Sabbath school is one of the aspects of worship is Seventh Day Adventist Church which involves study from the kindergarten study guide for children. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church the kindergarten class is for children ages 3-5. The basic needs of children includes:
• Food
• Warmth
• Shelter
• Power—to make choices and follow plans
•Also, A sense of belonging
• Expressions of unconditional love and
• Further, Approval and recognition
• Freedom within defined boundaries
• Humor—a chance to laugh
It include the following,
• An all-knowing, loving, caring God
• Also, Forgiveness of wrongs and a chance
to start over
• furthermore, Acceptance with God
• A chance to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.
Kindergarten sabbath school lesson is divided into 3 , for this quarter the first section community is about the story of David. How David was anointed, his friendship with Jonathan and his son.
Also, the second section is worship which is about Daniel and his friends. Further, the third section is Grace which is about the story of Joseph.
Download Kindergarten Sabbath School Study Guide, Second Quarter 2023.