50 Bible Quiz Question From the Book of Acts of Apostles

50 Bible Quiz Question From the Book of Acts of Apostles

Welcome to the Bible quiz focused on the book of Acts! The book of Acts, written by Luke, tells us about the early Christian Church and how the message of Jesus spread. It’s full of incredible stories of faith, miracles, and the work of the apostles. Today, we’ll test your knowledge of the important events, people, and teachings found in this fascinating book. Let’s see how well you know the book of Acts as we embark on this quiz together!

Here are 50 questions from the book of Acts along with their corresponding answers, supported by Bible text

  1. Question: Who wrote the book of Acts?
    Answer: Luke (Acts 1:1)
  2. Question: In what city did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost?
    Answer: Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-4)
  3. Question: How many languages did the disciples speak when they received the Holy Spirit?
    Answer: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:4)
  4. Question: Who delivered the famous sermon on the day of Pentecost?
    Answer: Peter (Acts 2:14-36)
  5. Question: How many people were baptized on the day of Pentecost?
    Answer: “So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.” (Acts 2:41)
  6. Question: Who was the first person to be healed by the apostles in the name of Jesus?
    Answer: A lame man at the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:1-10)
  7. Question: Who was the first martyr in the book of Acts?
    Answer: Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)
  8. Question: What was the name of the Ethiopian eunuch that Philip encountered?
    Answer: The eunuch’s name is not mentioned in the Bible, but he was an Ethiopian court official (Acts 8:26-39).
  9. Question: Who was the apostle that replaced Judas Iscariot among the twelve?
    Answer: Matthias (Acts 1:15-26)
  10. Question: Who was the Roman centurion that had a vision and sent for Peter?
    Answer: Cornelius (Acts 10:1-8)
  11. Question: Which disciple was known for healing Aeneas, a paralyzed man in Lydda?
    Answer: Peter (Acts 9:32-35)
  12. Question: Who was the first Gentile to receive the Holy Spirit and be baptized?
    Answer: Cornelius (Acts 10:44-48)
  13. Question: Who was the apostle that was imprisoned and miraculously freed by an angel?
    Answer: Peter (Acts 12:5-11)
  14. Question: Who was the first disciple that Paul encountered in Damascus after his conversion?
    Answer: Ananias (Acts 9:10-19)
  15. Question: Who was the Roman governor that heard Paul’s defense in Caesarea?
    Answer: Felix (Acts 24:1-27)
  16. Question: Who was the Ethiopian eunuch reading about when Philip met him?
    Answer: The prophet Isaiah (Acts 8:26-35)
  17. Question: Who was the leader of the Jewish council (Sanhedrin) during Paul’s trial?
    Answer: Ananias the high priest (Acts 23:1-5)
  18. Question: Who was the sorcerer in Paphos who opposed Paul’s ministry?
    Answer: Elymas (also known as Bar-Jesus) (Acts 13:6-12)
  19. Question: Who was the Philippian jailer who was converted along with his household?
    Answer: The jailer’s name is not mentioned in the Bible, but he was from Philippi (Acts 16:25-34).
  20. Question: Who was the idol maker in Ephesus who stirred up a riot against Paul?
    Answer: Demetrius (Acts 19:23-41)
  21. Question: Who were the two men that accompanied Paul on his missionary journey from Antioch to Jerusalem?
    Answer: Barnabas and Titus (Acts 15:22-23)
  22. Question: Who was the Jewish tentmaker who teamed up with Paul in Corinth?
    Answer: Aquila (Acts 18:1-3)
  23. Question: Who was the governor of Judea that Paul appeared before during his trial?
    Answer: Festus (Acts 24:27)
  24. Question: Who was the Roman centurion who allowed Paul to be taken care of by his friends in Caesarea?
    Answer: Julius (Acts 27:1-3)
  25. Question: Who was the high priest who ordered Paul to be struck on the mouth during his trial?
    Answer: Ananias the high priest (Acts 23:2-3)
  26. Question: Who was the young man who fell out of the window while Paul was preaching and was raised back to life?
    Answer: Eutychus (Acts 20:7-12)
  27. Question: Who were the two men that accompanied Paul during his first missionary journey from Antioch?
    Answer: Barnabas and John Mark (Acts 13:1-5)
  28. Question: Who was the Roman governor who wanted to release Paul but gave in to the Jews’ demands?
    Answer: Porcius Festus (Acts 25:9-12)
  29. Question: Who was the Jewish sorcerer who opposed Paul and was struck blind?
    Answer: Bar-Jesus (also known as Elymas) (Acts 13:6-12)
  30. Question: Who were the two men that traveled with Paul during his third missionary journey?
    Answer: Timothy and Erastus (Acts 19
  31. Question: Who was the Roman proconsul of Cyprus who was converted by Paul?
    Answer: Sergius Paulus (Acts 13:6-12)
  32. Question: Who was the Christian woman from Joppa whom Peter raised from the dead?
    Answer: Tabitha (also known as Dorcas) (Acts 9:36-43)
  33. Question: Who was the Roman governor of Judea that Paul appealed to and declared his innocence?
    Answer: Festus (Acts 25:10-12)
  34. Question: Who was the Jewish high priest who commanded Paul to be struck on the mouth?
    Answer: Ananias (Acts 23:2-3)
  35. Question: Who were the two men that accompanied Paul during his imprisonment in Rome?
    Answer: Luke and Aristarchus (Acts 27:1, Acts 27:2)
  36. Question: Who was the Jewish leader in Thessalonica who accused Paul and Silas of turning the world upside down?
    Answer: Jason (Acts 17:5-9)
  37. Question: Who was the Roman commander who rescued Paul from the Jewish mob in Jerusalem?
    Answer: Claudius Lysias (Acts 23:26-30)
  38. Question: Who was the chief captain of the Roman soldiers who arrested Paul in Jerusalem?
    Answer: Claudius Lysias (Acts 21:31-33)
  39. Question: Who was the Jewish sorcerer who tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith?
    Answer: Elymas (also known as Bar-Jesus) (Acts 13:6-12)
  40. Question: Who was the governor of Malta who showed kindness to Paul after the shipwreck?
    Answer: Publius (Acts 28:7-10)
  41. Question: Who was the Pharisee and teacher of the law who advised caution in dealing with the apostles?
    Answer: Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39)
  42. Question: Who was the ruler of the synagogue in Corinth who believed in Jesus along with his household?
    Answer: Crispus (Acts 18:7-8)
  43. Question: Who was the Jewish high priest who presided over the trial of Paul before the Sanhedrin?
    Answer: Ananias (Acts 23:1-5)
  44. Question: Who was the centurion who treated Paul kindly during his journey to Rome?
    Answer: Julius (Acts 27:3)
  45. Question: Who was the Jewish magician who opposed Paul and sought to turn the proconsul away from the faith?
    Answer: Elymas (also known as Bar-Jesus) (Acts 13:6-12)
  46. Question: Who was the Roman governor who wanted to release Paul but yielded to the Jews’ demands?
    Answer: Porcius Festus (Acts 25:9-12)
  47. Question: Who was the Christian woman from Philippi who provided hospitality to Paul and his companions?
    Answer: Lydia (Acts 16:14-15)
  48. Question: Who were the two men that traveled with Paul during his second missionary journey?
    Answer: Silas and Timothy (Acts 15:40, Acts 16:1)
  49. Question: Who was the Jewish teacher in Alexandria who spoke eloquently and powerfully about Jesus?
    Answer: Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)
  50. Question: Who were the two sisters in Rome who were commended by Paul for their hospitality?
    Answer: Mary
Hebrew Bible Quiz For Youth Program With Answers

Hebrew Bible Quiz For Youth Program With Answers

The book of Hebrews talks about the Priesthood of Christ, the heavenly sanctuary and Christ role in the most holy place. It also talks about the faith of our fathers in the Old Testament. How well do you know the book of Hebrews? The Bible quiz below will improve your knowledge on the book of Hebrews, although it was prepared for youths, adults are free to participate.

Do well to share with your friends and family.


1. How many chapters are in the book of Hebrews?

2.What was the first word in the book of Hebrews?

3. God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the __________?

4. Who is the heir of all things?

5. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the _______.

6.According to chapter 1, the Lord remains the same and his years does not fail. True or False?

7. Thou hast loved _________, and hated _________; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

8. Why should we give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard?

9. What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? Where is this text found in the Old Testament?

10. Men were made a little higher than the angels. True or False

11. Who is the Apostle and High priest of our calling?

12. Why should we exhort one another daily?

13. And God did rest the ________ day from all his works.

14. There remaineth therefore a _______to the people of God.

15. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Where is this text found in the book of Hebrews?

16. What should we hold fast seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God.

17. Christ was tempted like as we are yet he was without sin. True or False?

18. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of __________, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

19. As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of who?

20. But strong _______ belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

21. Who is the king of Salem?

22. Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils to __________.

23. The sons of Dan received the promise of priesthood. True or False?

24. For I will be merciful to their __________, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

25. List the items in the Holies of all in the tabernacle.

26. How many times does the high priest go into the holies of all in a year?

27. And as it is appointed unto men ______to die, but after this the judgment.

28. For it is not possible that the _________ of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

29. Why should we hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering?

30. Not __________ the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.



2. God

3. Prophets 1vs1

4. Jesus

5. Earth

6. True

7. Righteousness, iniquity

8. lest at any time we should let them slip. 2vs1

9. Psalm 8vs4

10. False

11. Christ Jesus

12. lest anyone be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 3vs13

13. Seventh 4vs4

14. Rest 4vs9

15. 4vs12

16. our profession 4vs14

17. True

18. grace 4vs16

19. Melchizedek

20. food

21. Melchizedek

22. Melchizedek 7vs4

23. false

24. unrighteousness 8vs12

25. the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat.

26. Once 9vs4-5

27. Once

28. Blood 10vs4

29. for he is faithful that promised

30. Forsaking

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from all Books of the Bible

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from all Books of the Bible

The Bible is a book that has inspired many and has brought about true repentance to many. The Bible has a rich 2,000-year history that has helped to shapen millions of lives around the world. The book is divided into two testaments. 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.

As Christians, the Bible is our guide and studying it is a crucial part of our being. Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

How well do you know your Bible? Here is a list  of Bible questions and answers from the different books of the Bible to help you test your knowledge and that of your friends and family.

I. Law Bible quiz questions and answers

1. Genesis

The First Book of Moses Called Genesis with 50 chapters and 1,533 verses (Get Quiz)

2. Exodus

The Second Book of Moses Called Exodus has 40 chapters and  1,213 verses. (Get Quiz)

3. Leviticus

The Third Book of Moses Called Leviticus has chapters and 27 859 verses (Get Quiz)

4. Numbers

The Fourth Book of Moses Called Numbers has 36 chapters and 1,288 verses (Get Quiz)

5. Deuteronomy 

The Fifth Book of Moses Called Deuteronomy has 34 chapters and 959 verses (Get Quiz)

II. Old Testament Narrative Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

6. Joshua

The sixth book of the old testament called Joshua has 24 chapter and 658 verses (Get Quiz)

7. Judges

The book of Judges has 21 chapters and 618 verses (Get Quiz)

8. Ruth

The book of Ruth has 4 chapters and 85 verses (Get Quiz)

9. 1 Samuel

The first book of Samuel has 31 chapters and 810 verses (Get Quiz)

10. 2 Samuel

The second book of Samuel has 24 chapters and 695 verses (Get Quiz)

11. 1 King

The first book of Kings has 22 chapters and 816 verses (Get Quiz)

12. 2 King

The second book of Kings has 25 and 719 verses (Get Quiz)

13. 1 Chronicles

The first book of Chronicles has 29 chapters and 942 verses (Get Quiz)

14. 2 Chronicles

The second book of Chronicles has 36 chapters and 822 verses (Get Quiz)

15. Ezra

The book of Ezra has 10 chapter 280 verses (Get Quiz)

16. Nehemiah 

The book of Nehemiah has 13 and 406 chapters (Get Quiz)

17. Esther

The book of Esther has 10 chapters and 167 verses (Get Quiz)

III. Wisdom Literature Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

18. Job

The book of Job has 42 chapters and 1,070 verses (Get Quiz)

19. Psalms

The book of Psalms has 150 chapters and 2,461 verses (Get Quiz)

20. Proverbs

The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters and 915 verses (Get Quiz)

21. Ecclesiastes

The book of Ecclesiastes has 12 chapters and 222 verses (Get Quiz)

22. Song of Solomon

The Song of Songs or Song of Solomon has 8 chapters and 117 verses (Get Quiz)

IV. Major Prophets Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

23. Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah has 66  and1,292 verses (Get Quiz)

24. Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah has 52 chapters and 1,364 verses (Get Quiz)

25. Lamentation

The Book of Lamentations has 5 chapters and 154 verses (Get Quiz)

26. Ezekiel

The Book of Ezekiel has 48 chapter and 1,273 verses (Get Quiz)

27. Daniel

The Book of Daniel has 12 chapters and 357 verses (Get Quiz)

V. Minor Prophets Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

28. Hosea

The Book of Hosea has 14 chapters and 197 verses (Get Quiz)

29. Joel

The Book of Joel has 3 chapters and 73 verses (Get Quiz)

30. Amos

The Book of Amos has 9 chapters and 146 verses (Get Quiz)

31. Obadiah

The Book of Obadiah has only 1 chapter and 21 verses (Get Quiz)

32. Jonah

The Book of Jonah has 4 chapters 48 verses (Get Quiz)

33. Micah

The Book of Micah has 7 chapter 105 verses (Get Quiz)

34. Nahum

The Book of Nahum has 3 chapter and 47 verses (Get Quiz)

35. Habakkuk

The Book of Habakkuk has  3 chapter and 56 verses (Get Quiz)

36. Zephaniah

The Book of Zephaniah 3 chapter and 53 verses (Get Quiz)

37. Haggai

The Book of Haggai has 2 and 38 chapters (Get Quiz)

38. Zechariah

The Book of Zechariah has 14 chapter and 211 verses (Get Quiz)

39. Malachi

The Book of Malachi has 4 chapter and 55 verses  (Get Quiz)

VI. New Testament Narrative Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

40. Matthew

The Gospel According to Matthew has 28 chapters and 1,071 verses (Get Quiz)

41. Mark

The Gospel According to Mark has 16 chapters and 678 verses (Get Quiz)

42. Luke

The Gospel According to Luke has 24 chapters and 1,151 verses (Get Quiz)

43. John

The Gospel According to John has  21 chapters and 879 verses (Get Quiz)

44. Acts

The Acts of the Apostles has  28 chapters and 1,007 verses (Get Quiz)

VII. Pauline Epistles Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

45. Romans

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans has 16 chapters and 433 verses (Get Quiz)

46. 1 Corinthians

The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians has 16 chapters and 437 verses (Get Quiz)

47. 2 Corinthians

The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians has 13 chapters and 257 verses  (Get Quiz)

48. Galatians

The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians has 6 chapters and 149 verses (Get Quiz)

49. Ephesians

The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians has 6 chapters and 155 verses (Get Quiz)

50. Philippians

The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians has 4 chapters and 104 verses (Get Quiz)

51. Colossians

The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians has 4 and 95 verses (Get Quiz)

52. 1 Thessalonians

The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians has 5 chapters and 89 verses (Get Quiz)

53. 2 Thessalonians 

The Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians has 3 chapters and 47 verses (Get Quiz)

54. 1 Timothy

The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy has 6 chapters 113 verses (Get Quiz)

55. 2 Timothy

The Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy has 4 chapters and 83 verses (Get Quiz)

56. Titus

The Epistle of Paul to Titus has 3 chapters 46 verses (Get Quiz)

57. Philemon

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon has 1 chapter 25 verses (Get Quiz)

VIII. General Epistles Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

58. Hebrews

The Epistle to the Hebrews has 13 chapters and 303 verses (Get Quiz)

59. James

The General Epistle of James has 5 chapters and 108 verses (Get Quiz)

60. 1 Peter

The First Epistle of Peter has 5 chapters and 105 verses (Get Quiz)

61. 2 Peter

The Second Epistle of Peter has 3 chapters 61 verses (Get Quiz)

62. 1 John

The First Epistle of John has 5 chapters 105 verses (Get Quiz)

63. 2 John

The Second Epistle of John has 1 chapter 13 verses (Get Quiz)

64. 3 John

The Third Epistle of John has 1 chapter 14 verses (Get Quiz)

65. Jude

The Epistle of Jude has 1 chapter and 25 verses (Get Quiz)

IX. Apocalyptic Epistle Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

66. Revelation

The Book of Revelation (or The Apocalypse of John) has 22 chapters and 404 verses (Get Quiz)

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50 Bible Quiz Question And Answer For Children And Youths

50 Bible Quiz Question And Answer For Children And Youths

As Christian parents, we want our children to know Christ and build a strong relationship with him. One of the best ways to do that is to encourage them to read the Bible regularly. The Bible is a big book so there is a need to devise a means to let the children read and understand the Bible.

One of the easiest ways to test the knowledge of your children is by giving them a Bible quiz. Bible quiz encourages self-awareness of progress and self-assessment.

These Bible quiz questions include a mix of old and new testament questions for children and youths.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!


1. Who created the heaven and the earth?
2. How many books do we have in the Bible?
3. What did God create on the 7th day?
4. What is the last book in the Bible?
5. How many books are in the Old Testament?
6. How many books are in the New Testament?
7. Who was the first man in the Bible?
8. Who was the first woman in the Bible?
9. Who were the first three sons recorded in the Bible?
10. How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
11. Who was Abram’s wife?
12. How many brothers did Joseph have?
13. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
14. Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?
15. Who was the first king of Israel?
16. Who killed Goliath?
17. Who was David’s son that became king?
18. How many wives did Solomon have?
19. Whose dream did Daniel interpret in Babylon?
20. What were Daniel’s three friends (Babylonian names)?
21. Who was Jesus’ earthly mother?
22. Who was Jesus’ earthly father?
23. What city was Jesus born?
24. Who baptized Jesus?
25. Jesus was baptized in what river?
26. Jesus Christ has how many disciples?
27. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
28. How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
29. How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?
30. How many lepers did Jesus heal?
31. Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
32. Name the disciple who denied Jesus.
33. How many times did Peter deny Jesus Christ?
34. Who taught the Lord’s Prayer?
35. How many days and nights did Jesus fast?
36. Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus?
37. After Jesus fed 5,000+ people with two fish and five loaves of bread, how many baskets were left over?
38. What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
39. What did God use the rib of Adam to do?
40. What is the fourth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
41. Who cried after hearing a rooster crow?
42. What is the last book of the Old Testament?
43. Which apostle walked on water?
44. What is the second book of the Bible?
45. Who is the oldest man in the Bible?
46. Who said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
47. Which woman washed Jesus’ feet?
48. How many loaves and fishes did Jesus Christ feed the 5,000 with?
49. What did Jesus turn into wine?
50. How many days was Jonah in the belly of the big fish?

1. God (Genesis 1v1)
2. 66 books
3. He rested (Genesis 2v2)
4. Revelation
5. 39 books
6. 27 books
7. Adam
8. Eve
9. Cain, Abel, Seth
10. forty days and forty nights (Genesis 7v4)
11. Sarah (Genesis 17v19)
12. 11 brothers
13. 10 plagues (Exodus)
14. Mt. Sinai
15. Saul (1 Samuel 9)
16. David
17. Solomon
18. 700 (1 King 11)
19. King Nebuchadnezzar
20. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
21. Mary
22. Joseph
23. Bethlehem
24. John the Baptist
25. River Jordan
26. 12 Disciples
27. John 11:35 Jesus wept.
28. Four days (John 11)
29. 5,000 people
30. 10 lepers (Luke 17)
31. Judas Iscariot
32. Peter
33. 3 times
34. Jesus
35. 40 (Matthew 4)
36. Peter and Andrew
37. 12 baskets
38. 2 John
39. Create Eve
40. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20)
41. Peter
42. Malachi
43. Peter
44. Exodus
45. Methuselah
46. Cain
47. Mary Magdalene
48. Five loaves and two fishes
49. Water
50. three days & three nights

40 Genesis Bible Quiz Questions for Youth Programs with Answers

40 Exodus Bible Quiz Questions for Youth Programs with Answers

30 Leviticus Bible quiz questions for youth programs with answers

30 Leviticus Bible quiz questions for youth programs with answers

The book of Leviticus is the third book of the Bible and it covers rules that governed the Israelites. The Leviticus Bible quiz for youth will show how much you know the book of Leviticus. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

Leviticus Bible quiz questions:

1. How many chapters are there in Leviticus
2. you are to offer a female without defect for burnt offering from the flock. True or False?
3. If the offering to the Lord is a burnt offering of birds, you are to offer a _____ or a _____
4. When anyone brings a grain offering to the Lord, their offering is to be of the finest flour. They are to pour water on it. True or False?
5. According to NIV, every grain offering you bring to the Lord must be made without yeast. True or False?
6. What was the first ‘offering’ discussed in the book of Leviticus?
7. What was the second ‘offering’ discussed in the book of Leviticus?
8. What was the third ‘offering’ discussed in the book of Leviticus?
9. According to Leviticus 2:13, what were the Israelites required to offer with every grain offering?
10. If someone brings a lamb as their sin offering, they are to bring a female without defect. True or False?

11. Anyone who cannot afford a lamb is to bring what to the Lord as a penalty for their sin?
12. Every morning, who is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it?
13. Which offering is most holy?
14. Who did the Lord instruct Moses to give the regulations for the burnt offerings?
15. What does the Lord say must be done to anyone who eats the blood of any bird or animal?
16. What are the names of the two sons of Aaron that died in Leviticus 10?
17. How did the two sons of Aaron die?
18. What led to the death of Aaron’s two sons?
19. What are the names of the two sons of Aaron’s uncle, Uzziel
20. What are the names of Aaron’s four sons?

21. You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud. True or False?
22. According to Leviticus 11, is a pig an unclean animal?
23. What qualified a sea animal as clean to eat in Leviticus 11?
24. Name 5 unclean birds according to Leviticus 11?
25. On the seventh day the boy is to be circumcised. True or False?
26. How many days is a woman unclean after having a baby boy?
27. Who did the Lord instruct Moses to give the regulations for the burnt offerings?
28. Who was Aaron’s uncle?
29. What will happen to the man if he has sex with an animal?
30. What does the Lord say will happen to a man who marries his brother’s wife?


1. 27
2. False (1v10)
3. dove or a young pigeon (1v14)
4. False (2v1)
5. True (2v11)
6. The Burnt Offering (1v3)
7. The Grain Offering (2v1)
8. The Fellowship Offering (3v1)
9. Salt
10. False (4v32)

11. Two doves or two young pigeons (5v7)
12. Priest (8v12)
13. Guilt offering (7v1)
14. Aaron and his sons (6v9)
15. Cut off (7v25-27)
16. Nadab and Abihu (10v1)
17. Fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them (10v2)
18. They offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command (10v1)
19. Mishael and Elzaphan (10v4)
20. Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar (10v1, 6)

21. False (11v3)
22. Yes (11v7)
23. They must have fins and scales (11v9)
24. the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. (11v13-19)
25. False (12v3)
26. 7 days (12v2)
27. Aaron and his sons (6v9)
28. Uzziel (10v4)
29. He’ll be put to death
30. They will be childless (20v21)

Also, check out

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40 Exodus Bible quiz questions for youth programs with answers

The book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible and it covers the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Exodus quiz for youth will show how much you know the book of Exodus. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out The Exodus quiz answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

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Exodus quiz questions:

1. Who was traditionally credited with the writing of the first five books of the Bible?

2. What were the names of the Hebrew midwives helping the Hebrew women during childbirth?

3. Who named Moses?

4. What is the name of Moses’ first son?

5. Where did Moses see the burning bush?

6. In Genesis 4, who said ‘Go, and I wish you well?

7. Who said  “Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.”?

8. Whose staff turned to a snake?

9. What is the First plague?

10. What is the second plague?

11. The Plague of Hail happened after what plague?

12. What was the 9th plague?

13. What is the last plague?

14. What meal must be eaten inside the house

15. why did God did not lead the children of Israelites on the road through the Philistine country?

16. After the first plague was put upon Egypt, how long did it last?

17. What is the specific name of the land God promised to the Israelites?

18. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

19. What name did Moses give to the place where he got water out of a stone?

20. How many chapters are in the book of Exodus?

21. To where did Moses flee after killing the Egyptian?

22. What materials was baby Moses’s basket made out of?

23. Moses and Aaron were explicit in their instruction to the Israelites with respect to the very first Passover meal. What were the people to do with any food leftover after the meal?

24. What is the seventh commandment?

25. If a Hebrew was sold into slavery in order to pay a debt, how many years was the maximum he had to serve?

26. Where did Moses first call forth water from a rock?

27. Where did Moses lead the people after they crossed through the parted waters of the Red Sea?

28. When Moses left Egypt, what did he carry with him to fulfill a solemn oath that had been made 430 years earlier?

29. By blowing a fierce wind, into which body of water did the Lord drive the locusts?

30. Who did Moses command to do the following: “Pick out some men to go and fight the Amalekites tomorrow. I will stand on top of the hill holding the stick that God told me to carry.”?

31. How many curtains of fine linen were made for the tabernacle, according to Exodus chapter 26?

32. In order to set him free, Moses’ birth mother placed him in a small ark and sent him floating down the river. What was her name?

33. After being delivered from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites spent forty years in the desert. During this time a great event happened at Mount Sinai. What was this event?

34. Who said to Moses: “You are not doing it the right way. You will wear yourself out and these people as well. This is too much for you to do alone.”?

35. In what chapter of Exodus do the people make a golden calf?

36. What is the meaning of Gershom in English?

37. Much work had to be done to prepare the tabernacle of God. In Chapter 31, whom did God appoint over the workmanship of all the things constructed from the furniture to the ark of the covenant?

38. What did the Lord provide to the grumbling Israelites besides Manna?

39. Moses and the Israelites escaped from the Egyptians by parting a sea. What was this sea called?

40. The last verse of Exodus is Exodus 40:38. What is the last word in this verse in the King James Version?


1. Moses

2. Shiphrah and Puah (1v15)

3. Pharoah’s daughter (2v10)

4. Gershom (2v22)

5. Horeb, the mountain of God. (3v1)

6 Jethro (4v18)

7. Pharaoh (5v2)

8. Aaron (7v10)

9. The Plague of Blood (7v14-22)

10. The Plague of Frogs (8v1-12)

11. The Plague of Boils (9v8-10)

12. The Plague of Darkness (10v12-29)

13. The Plague on the Firstborn (11)

14. Passover meal (12v43-46)

15. When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” (13v17)

16. 7 days (7v25)

17. Canaan (6v4)

18. Mt. Sinai

19. Massah (17v7)

20. 40

21. Land of Midian (2v15)

22. bulrushes, slime, and pitch (2v3)

23. Burn it with fire (12v10)

24. You shall not commit adultery (20v14)

25. Six years  (21v2)

26. Horeb (17v6)

27. Desert of Shur (15v22)

28. The bones of Joseph (13v19)

29. Red Sea (10v19)

30. Joshua (17v9)

31. 10 (26v1)

32. Jochebed  (6v20)

33. Moses received the Ten Commandments (24v12)

34. Jethro  (18v17)

35. Chapter 32

36 Stranger (2v22)

37. Bezaleel

38. Quail (16v13)

39. The Red Sea

40. journeys

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