30 Joshua Bible Quiz Questions And Answers for Youth Programs

Joshua Bible Quiz

The book of Joshua is the sixth book of the old testament and is the first book of Deuteronomistic history, it tells the story of Israel from the conquest of Canaan to the Babylonian exile.

The Bible quiz for youth will show how much you know the book of Joshua. Though it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

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Joshua Bible Quiz Questions

1. What is the name of Joshua’s father?

2. Who was Moses’ assistant?

3. How many spies did Joshua send to Jericho?

4. Who lodged the spies?

5. How many days were the spies advised to hide before they would continue their journey?

6. What river did they pass through on a dry ground?

7. How many years did the children of Israel walk in the wilderness?

8. Who took the devoted things of the Lord in the camp?

9. Who are the Five kings that gathered themselves against Israel?

10. What was the name of the king that helped the people of Lachish?

11. What are the names of the three sons of Anak?

12. What was the name of Caleb’s daughter?

13. What was the name of Caleb’s nephew?

14. Who was the father of Gilead?

15. What was the name of Eleazar the priest’s son?

16. What was the name of Abraham’s brother?

17. How old was Joshua when he died?

18. Where were the bones of Joseph buried?

19. What is the name of Aaron’s son?

20. How much did Jacob buy Shechem from Hamor?

21. What great river was mentioned in the book of Joshua?

22. _____ shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

23. Where did Joshua send the spies from?

24. What was used to hide the spies on the roof?

25. Who was the man that stood before Joshua with his sword drawn?

26. How many days did the children of Israel march around the city of Jericho?

27. Which valley was Acham and his family stoned to death?

28. Who was spared from the destruction of the city of Ai and was hanged?

29. What was the punishment given to the Gibeonites?

30. What inheritance was given to the children of Levi?


1. Nun (1vs1)

2. Joshua (1vs1)

3. 2 (2vs1)

4. Rahab (2vs1)

5. 3 days (2vs16)

6. River Jordan (3vs16)

7. 40 years (5vs6)

8. Achan (7vs1)

9. Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, gathered themselves together, and went up, they and all their hosts, and encamped before Gibeon, and made war against it. (10vs5)

10. Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he had left him none remaining. (10vs33)

11. The three sons of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai,(15vs14)

12. Achsah (15vs16)

13. Othniel (15vs17)

14. Mischir (17vs1)

15. Phinenas (22vs31)

16. Nahor (24vs2)

17. 110 years (24vs29)

18. Shechem (24:32)

19. Eleazar (24vs33)

20. Hundred pieces of money (24:32)

21. River Euphrate (1vs4)

22. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.(1vs8)

23. Shittim (2vs1)

24. Stalk of flax (2vs6)

25. The commander of the army of the Lord. (5vs14)

26. 6 days (6vs14)

27. Valley of Achor (7vs26)

28. King of Ai (8vs29)

29. But Joshua made them that day cutters of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord, to this day, in the place that he should choose. (9vs27)

30. But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave no inheritance; the Lord God of Israel is their inheritance, just as he said to them. (13vs33)

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