2022 Family Togetherness Day of Prayer- September 10 (Download Material)

2022 Family Togetherness Day of Prayer- September 10 (Download Material)

When people endure difficult situations and bounce back despite the hardships they have experienced, that reality is also identified as resilience.

Dictionary.com defines resilience as: “the ability of a person to adjust to or recover readily from illness, adversity, major life changes, etc.” Essentially, resilience is by definition buoyancy; which is defined as “lightness or resilience of spirit.”

The theme for the 2022 Family Ministries Resource Book is Family Resilience. So, today we are calling on every pastor, every Family Ministries leader at every level, and every member of the church to take note of Paul’s message of resilience. That as we focus on the primary mission of the church through the proclamation of The Three Angels’ Messages—despite the attacks of the enemy—we will trust God for resilience in our families, as we do all we can to help hasten the coming of Jesus Christ.

Date:September 10, 2022
Theme: Family Resilience

2022 Family Togetherness Day of Prayer- September 10 (Download Material)

2022 Family Togetherness Week of Prayer- September 4–10 (Download Material)

The theme for the 2022 Family Ministries Resource Book is Family Resilience. So, today we are calling on every pastor, every Family Ministries leader at every level, and every member of the church to take note of Paul’s message of resilience. That as we focus on the primary mission of the church through the proclamation of The Three Angels’ Messages— despite the attacks of the enemy—we will trust God for resilience in our families, as we do all we can to help hasten the coming of Jesus Christ.

Date:September 4-10, 2022
Theme: Family Resilience

Job Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

Job Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

Job was an upright man who refused to curse God despite the ordeal he was passing through. How well do you know the story of Job? The bible quiz for youth below will show how much you know about the book of Job. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!


1. What were the qualities of Job?

2. Job was from the land of _____

3. How many sons did Job have?

4. Job had _____ daughters.

5. Who was the greatest man in the east?

6. Who was among the angels that came to present themselves before the Lord?

7. “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? Who was being referred to here?

8. Satan was granted to take everything from Job except his _____?

9. Jobs children went to feast at his older brother’s house. True or False?

10. Complete this statement “The _____ formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and made off with them.

11. “Skin for skin!” Who made this statement?

12. How many friends did Job have?

13. What are the names of Jobs friends?

14. Jobs wife advised him to _____

15. Satan inflicted _____ on Job from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.

16. Jobs friends sat on the ground with him for _____ days when they saw him.

17. “Blessed is the one whom God corrects;so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. Who made this statement?

18. Who was the fourth person that answered Job?

19. After Jobs test, what ere the name of the daughters that he later had?

20. God gave Job how many times of what he lost?

21. Why was the Lord angry with Job’s friends?

22. How many bulls and rams did God ask Job’s friends to offer as burnt offering?

23. How many years did job live?

24. Job gave his daughters that he later had inheritance along side their brothers. True or False?

25. What was the first event that satan made to happen to job?



1. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. Job 1vs1

2. Uz Job 1vs1

3. 7 sons

4. 3 daughters Job 1vs2

5. Job

6. Satan

7. Job

8. Life

9. True

10. Chaldeans 1vs17

11. Satan 2vs4

12. 3

13. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, Job 2vs11

14. Curse God and die

15. Sores

16. 7 days 2vs13

17. Eliphaz

18. Elihu

19. Jemimah, Keziah and Keren-Happuch 42vs14

20. Two

21. They did not speak truth about him. Job 42vs7

22. 7 each 42vs8

23. 140 years

24. True

25. “The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, 15 and the Sabeans attacked and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!” 1vs14

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from all Books of the Bible

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from all Books of the Bible

The Bible is a book that has inspired many and has brought about true repentance to many. The Bible has a rich 2,000-year history that has helped to shapen millions of lives around the world. The book is divided into two testaments. 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.

As Christians, the Bible is our guide and studying it is a crucial part of our being. Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

How well do you know your Bible? Here is a list  of Bible questions and answers from the different books of the Bible to help you test your knowledge and that of your friends and family.

I. Law Bible quiz questions and answers

1. Genesis

The First Book of Moses Called Genesis with 50 chapters and 1,533 verses (Get Quiz)

2. Exodus

The Second Book of Moses Called Exodus has 40 chapters and  1,213 verses. (Get Quiz)

3. Leviticus

The Third Book of Moses Called Leviticus has chapters and 27 859 verses (Get Quiz)

4. Numbers

The Fourth Book of Moses Called Numbers has 36 chapters and 1,288 verses (Get Quiz)

5. Deuteronomy 

The Fifth Book of Moses Called Deuteronomy has 34 chapters and 959 verses (Get Quiz)

II. Old Testament Narrative Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

6. Joshua

The sixth book of the old testament called Joshua has 24 chapter and 658 verses (Get Quiz)

7. Judges

The book of Judges has 21 chapters and 618 verses (Get Quiz)

8. Ruth

The book of Ruth has 4 chapters and 85 verses (Get Quiz)

9. 1 Samuel

The first book of Samuel has 31 chapters and 810 verses (Get Quiz)

10. 2 Samuel

The second book of Samuel has 24 chapters and 695 verses (Get Quiz)

11. 1 King

The first book of Kings has 22 chapters and 816 verses (Get Quiz)

12. 2 King

The second book of Kings has 25 and 719 verses (Get Quiz)

13. 1 Chronicles

The first book of Chronicles has 29 chapters and 942 verses (Get Quiz)

14. 2 Chronicles

The second book of Chronicles has 36 chapters and 822 verses (Get Quiz)

15. Ezra

The book of Ezra has 10 chapter 280 verses (Get Quiz)

16. Nehemiah 

The book of Nehemiah has 13 and 406 chapters (Get Quiz)

17. Esther

The book of Esther has 10 chapters and 167 verses (Get Quiz)

III. Wisdom Literature Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

18. Job

The book of Job has 42 chapters and 1,070 verses (Get Quiz)

19. Psalms

The book of Psalms has 150 chapters and 2,461 verses (Get Quiz)

20. Proverbs

The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters and 915 verses (Get Quiz)

21. Ecclesiastes

The book of Ecclesiastes has 12 chapters and 222 verses (Get Quiz)

22. Song of Solomon

The Song of Songs or Song of Solomon has 8 chapters and 117 verses (Get Quiz)

IV. Major Prophets Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

23. Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah has 66  and1,292 verses (Get Quiz)

24. Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah has 52 chapters and 1,364 verses (Get Quiz)

25. Lamentation

The Book of Lamentations has 5 chapters and 154 verses (Get Quiz)

26. Ezekiel

The Book of Ezekiel has 48 chapter and 1,273 verses (Get Quiz)

27. Daniel

The Book of Daniel has 12 chapters and 357 verses (Get Quiz)

V. Minor Prophets Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

28. Hosea

The Book of Hosea has 14 chapters and 197 verses (Get Quiz)

29. Joel

The Book of Joel has 3 chapters and 73 verses (Get Quiz)

30. Amos

The Book of Amos has 9 chapters and 146 verses (Get Quiz)

31. Obadiah

The Book of Obadiah has only 1 chapter and 21 verses (Get Quiz)

32. Jonah

The Book of Jonah has 4 chapters 48 verses (Get Quiz)

33. Micah

The Book of Micah has 7 chapter 105 verses (Get Quiz)

34. Nahum

The Book of Nahum has 3 chapter and 47 verses (Get Quiz)

35. Habakkuk

The Book of Habakkuk has  3 chapter and 56 verses (Get Quiz)

36. Zephaniah

The Book of Zephaniah 3 chapter and 53 verses (Get Quiz)

37. Haggai

The Book of Haggai has 2 and 38 chapters (Get Quiz)

38. Zechariah

The Book of Zechariah has 14 chapter and 211 verses (Get Quiz)

39. Malachi

The Book of Malachi has 4 chapter and 55 verses  (Get Quiz)

VI. New Testament Narrative Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

40. Matthew

The Gospel According to Matthew has 28 chapters and 1,071 verses (Get Quiz)

41. Mark

The Gospel According to Mark has 16 chapters and 678 verses (Get Quiz)

42. Luke

The Gospel According to Luke has 24 chapters and 1,151 verses (Get Quiz)

43. John

The Gospel According to John has  21 chapters and 879 verses (Get Quiz)

44. Acts

The Acts of the Apostles has  28 chapters and 1,007 verses (Get Quiz)

VII. Pauline Epistles Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

45. Romans

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans has 16 chapters and 433 verses (Get Quiz)

46. 1 Corinthians

The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians has 16 chapters and 437 verses (Get Quiz)

47. 2 Corinthians

The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians has 13 chapters and 257 verses  (Get Quiz)

48. Galatians

The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians has 6 chapters and 149 verses (Get Quiz)

49. Ephesians

The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians has 6 chapters and 155 verses (Get Quiz)

50. Philippians

The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians has 4 chapters and 104 verses (Get Quiz)

51. Colossians

The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians has 4 and 95 verses (Get Quiz)

52. 1 Thessalonians

The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians has 5 chapters and 89 verses (Get Quiz)

53. 2 Thessalonians 

The Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians has 3 chapters and 47 verses (Get Quiz)

54. 1 Timothy

The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy has 6 chapters 113 verses (Get Quiz)

55. 2 Timothy

The Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy has 4 chapters and 83 verses (Get Quiz)

56. Titus

The Epistle of Paul to Titus has 3 chapters 46 verses (Get Quiz)

57. Philemon

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon has 1 chapter 25 verses (Get Quiz)

VIII. General Epistles Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

58. Hebrews

The Epistle to the Hebrews has 13 chapters and 303 verses (Get Quiz)

59. James

The General Epistle of James has 5 chapters and 108 verses (Get Quiz)

60. 1 Peter

The First Epistle of Peter has 5 chapters and 105 verses (Get Quiz)

61. 2 Peter

The Second Epistle of Peter has 3 chapters 61 verses (Get Quiz)

62. 1 John

The First Epistle of John has 5 chapters 105 verses (Get Quiz)

63. 2 John

The Second Epistle of John has 1 chapter 13 verses (Get Quiz)

64. 3 John

The Third Epistle of John has 1 chapter 14 verses (Get Quiz)

65. Jude

The Epistle of Jude has 1 chapter and 25 verses (Get Quiz)

IX. Apocalyptic Epistle Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

66. Revelation

The Book of Revelation (or The Apocalypse of John) has 22 chapters and 404 verses (Get Quiz)

You may also want to test these Bible quizzes

David and Goliath Bible quiz questions and answers for youth programs

25 David Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

30 Joseph Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

50 Acts Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Program

50 Acts Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Program

The book of Acts is the only biblical book that chronicles the history of the church immediately after Jesus’s ascension. As such, it provides us with a valuable account of how the church was able to grow and spread out from Jerusalem into the rest of the Roman Empire.

The bible quiz for youth below will show how much you know the book of Acts.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!


1. Who was selected to replace Judas Iscariot?

2. Paul was a ____ maker.

3. Saul was blind for how many days?

4. Who ordered all Jews to leave Rome?

5. From Thessalonica, Paul and Silas moved to what city?

6. The disciples stayed in the Upper room for how many days

7. The Ethiopian eunuch was reading from which book?

8. Saul was from which city?

9. Aeneas was paralyzed and bedridden for how many years?

10. What is the Greek name of Tabitha?

11. Who was the wife of Ananias?

12. At Lystra Paul healed a ______ man

13. Who was the father of David?

14. Who did Peter raise from the dead?

15. How many Chapters are in the book of Acts?

16. “We must obey God rather than human beings! Who made this statement?

17. Saul ruled Israel for how many years?

18. Who was the next King after Saul?

19. “Come over to _____ and help us.”

20. David was man after God’s _____

21. Who was the man Peter stayed with in Joppa?

22. Something like what fell from Saul’s eyes and he could see again?

23. Who ordered all Jews to leave Rome?

24. What town was there an inscription ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD’?

25. Paul healed a girl who was a fortune teller. True or False?

26. From Troas, Paul and his companions moved to what city?

27. “Come over to _____ and help us.”

28. Timothy’s mother was Jewish. True or False?

29 Paul was stoned at what city?

30. The children of Israel stayed in the wilderness for how many years?

31. Jesus is a descendant of Jesse. True or False?

32. Who was the father of Saul?

33. Who was the first King of Israel?

34. Who was the first prophet of Israel?

35. What was the punishment of Elymas?

36. What is the meaning of Elymas?

37. Where did Paul and Saul meet Bar-Jesus?

38. who did Peter and Barnabas take with them to Jerusalem?

39. When King Herod died, he was eaten by what?

40. Blastus was a great singer. True or False?

41. King Herod arrested Peter during what Festival?

42. Who predicted about famine during the time of Claudius?

43. Where were the disciples first called Christians?

44. Who took Saul to Antioch?

45. Cornelius sent how many of his servants to get Peter?

46. Who was instructed to go to Gaza?

47. Moses had how many son(s)

48. Isaac was circumcized after how many days

49. How many deacons were chosen to serve?

50. Akeldama, means Field of what?


1. Mathias 1vs26

2. Tent 18vs3

3. 3 9vs9

4. Claudius 18vs2

5. Berea

6. 44 days 1vs3

7. Isaiah 8vs28

8. Tarsus 9vs11

9. 8 years 9vs33

10. Dorcas 9vs36

11. Sapphira 5vs1

12. Lame 14vs8

13. Jesse 13vs22

14. Dorcas 9vs40

15. 28

16. Peter 5vs29

17. 40 years 13vs21

18. David 13vs22

19. Macedonia 16vs9

20. Heart 13vs22

21. Simon a Tanner 9vs43

22. Scales 9vs18

23. Claudius 18vs2

24. Athens

25. True 16vs18

26. Samothrace

27. Macedonia 16vs9

28. False 16vs2

29. Lystra 14vs19

30. 40 13vs18

31. True 13vs23

32. Kish 13vs21

33. Saul 13vs21

34. Samuel 13vs20

35. He became blind 13vs11

36. sorcerer 13vs8

37. Paphos 13vs6

38. John Mark 12vs25

39. Worms 12vs23

40. False – Kings servant 12vs20

41. Festival of Unleavened Bread.12vs3

42. Agabus 11vs28

43. Antioch 11vs26

44. Barnabas 11vs25

45. 2 10vs7

46. Philip 8vs26

47. 3 7vs20

48. 8 7vs8

49. 7 6vs3

50. Blood 19