Cornerstone Connections First Quarter Sabbath School Lesson for young teens aged 15-18. Sabbath school is an integral part of worship in the Seventh Day Adventist church. These lessons help young youths to focus on Christ and the lessons helps to build them spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.
The first quarter lessons summary includes the following
January 4—The Living Message [p. 11] God has revealed Himself to His people through prophets, the Temple system, and through the written Word. But only Jesus can capture what God is really like.
11—The Fathers God Chose for His Son [p. 19] Usually when the Christmas story is shared, Jesus’ genealogy is completely ignored. However, the details of Jesus’ background are critical to understanding the full story of His life.
18—Countdown to the Savior [p. 27] Although the Jews desired the Messiah’s coming, they misunderstood His mission and purpose. Thus, they missed Him—just like we can.
25—What You Seek Is What You Get [p. 35] It has been said that a person finds what they’re looking for. Simeon and Anna looked with anticipation for the coming of the Messiah. They were not disappointed.
February 1—Following Yonder Star [p. 43] When the Magi went in search of the Messiah whom they had been studying about, God’s natural Global Positioning System placed them exactly where they needed to be.
8—Growing Up [p. 51] Jesus faced many of the challenges and trials of youth that you face today, but He remained sinless. How did He do it? Can you imagine Jesus as someone whom you might want to know and hang out with?
15—One of a Kind [p. 59] Just as God created John the Baptist for a holy purpose, He created each of us for a holy purpose. Standing for God will cost us much, as it did John. Is it worth it?
22—It Is Written [p. 67] After Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, He met each of Satan’s temptations with a clear “It is written.” God’s Word holds the same power for us as we meet our day-to-day temptations and struggles.
March 1—Come See [p. 75] The dramatic incident of Philip introducing Nathanael to Jesus captures the coordination between the human and the divine as Christ makes disciples for His kingdom.
8—Celebrating With Jesus [p. 83] Jesus worked His first miracle at a wedding feast in Cana, turning the water into wine and blessing the joyful celebration with His power. Jesus’ power continues today to transform ordinary things into extraordinary!
15—Show Reverence in My House! [p. 91] Instead of having reverence for the house of the Lord, the money changers were using the Temple for their own gain, turning it into a place of greed and materialism.
22—Born Again [p. 99] Often people feel they’re not converted because they haven’t had a “Damascus road” experience. But the story of Nicodemus reminds us that conversion can be a lifelong journey.
29—It’s Your Turn [p. 107] John the Baptist could have become jealous when his disciples began following Jesus. But he chose to take joy in Jesus’ success. He realized his role was to prepare the way.