hello brethren, Trusting God and Going on a Journey with Faith is like having a friend with us all the time, even when we can’t see everything clearly. Let us see what the Bible says about faith and why this is special and how it can make our lives better.
Defining “Walking by Faith”
Trusting God is like believing that He knows the best way for us, even when we’re not sure where we’re going. It’s like holding God’s hand and walking with Him, even if we can’t see everything ahead.
Bible verse: 2 Corinthians 5:7, says, “We live by trusting God, not just by what we see.”
The Challenge of Uncertainty
Sometimes, life can be confusing, and we don’t know exactly what will happen next. Trusting God becomes really important during these times. Instead of being scared or worried, we can choose to trust that God is taking care of us.
Bible Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen to Him, and He will show you the right way.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
Abraham: A Model of Walking by Faith
The Bible tells us about a friend named Abraham, who also went on a journey of trust with God. Even though he didn’t know where he was going, he trusted God and followed Him. We can learn from Abraham’s story about how trusting God can lead to amazing things.
Bible Verse: “Because Abraham trusted God, he went on a journey, not knowing where he was going. He showed us that trusting God is a good thing to do.” – Hebrews 11:8-10
Faith as the Key to Pleasing God
The Bible says that trusting God makes Him happy. It’s like when we believe that God is there and that He helps us when we need it. When we trust God, it makes our friendship with Him even stronger.
Bible Verse: “To make God happy, we need to trust Him and believe that He rewards us when we seek Him with all our hearts.” – Hebrews 11:6
Overcoming Fear with Faith
Sometimes, we feel scared because we don’t know what will happen. But trusting God helps us say goodbye to fear.
A special Bible verse, Isaiah 41:10, says, “Don’t be scared; I am with you. I will help you and give you strength.” Trusting God takes away our fear and gives us courage.
Faith’s Reward: A Closer Relationship with God
Trusting God is not just about going on a journey; it’s about becoming closer friends with Him. Even when things are tough, our trust in God grows, and we get to know Him better. The journey of trust might not always be easy, but it brings us closer to our special friend, God.
So, let’s remember that we can trust God and go on a journey with faith. It’s like having a good friend with us, helping us when we’re not sure. As we learn to trust God when things are confusing, follow the example of our friend Abraham, make God happy with our trust, say goodbye to being scared, and become closer friends with God, our journey becomes more exciting and meaningful. Amen.