Beginners sabbath school lesson is for children between zero months to two years of age. Basic needs of children within this class includes
- Food
- Warmth
- Shelter
Mental - Power—to make choices and
follow plans - Emotional
- A sense of belonging
- Approval and recognition
- Expressions of unconditional love
and acceptance - Freedom within defined
boundaries - Humor—a chance to laugh
Spiritual - An all-knowing, loving, caring God
- Forgiveness of wrongs and a
chance to start over - Assurance of acceptance with God
- Experience in prayer, answers to
prayer - A chance to grow in grace and in
the knowledge of God
To better understand beginner children, ages birth through 2 years, it is helpful
to note characteristics of their growth and development.
- Vary greatly in their physical development
- Are growing rapidly
- Tire easily
- Cannot sit still for long
Mental - Have an attention span of only one or two minutes
- Learn by active involvement and imitation rather than by instruction
- Learn best one ministep at a time
- Focus attention on what they see and/or touch
Emotional - Are extremely egocentric— centered in themselves
- Fear separation from parents
- Cry easily; one crying child sets other children crying
- Express their needs by crying (the crying usually stops when the child’s needs are met)
- Become attached to adults who show love and acceptance of them
Spiritual - Senses attitudes of respect, joy, and anticipation in connection
with church, the Bible, and Jesus - Can identify pictures of Jesus and lisp His name
- Will fold hands (briefly) for the blessing before meals and kneel
(again briefly) for prayer
The lessons are divided into three
- Grace: Grace is God’s love for us
- Worship: We praise God for His loving actions.
- Community : Community means loving one another.
Lesson 1 teaches that God made our beautiful world because
He loves us. This lesson is for the month of January.
Lesson 2 teaches us to thank God for His loving care for us.
Lesson 3 reminds us that, ideally, family members love each other.
Beginners sabbath school lesson
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Leson 3
Memory verses