The Beatitudes are a set of blessings and teachings given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount which is found in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically in chapter 5, verses 3-12. The term “beatitudes” comes from the Latin word “beatus,” which means blessed or happy.
These statements reflect Jesus’ teachings on the attitudes and qualities that characterize those who follow him and participate in the Kingdom of God. The Beatitudes outline a countercultural perspective on happiness and spiritual well-being, emphasizing qualities like humility, compassion, and righteousness.
Test your knowledge of the Beatitudes, choose the correct answer for each question.
The Beatitudes Questions
1. What is the term used to refer to the beginning of Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 5:3-12?
A) The Ten Commandments
B) The Lord’s Prayer
C) The Beatitudes
D) The Apostles’ Creed
2. In the Beatitudes, what does Jesus say about those who are poor in spirit?
A) They will inherit the earth.
B) They will be called the children of God.
C) They will find rest for their souls.
D) They will be filled with wisdom.
3. “Blessed are the meek, for they will __.”
A) inherit the kingdom of heaven
B) be comforted
C) receive mercy
D) see God
4. According to the Beatitudes, what does Jesus say about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness?
A) They will be filled.
B) They will inherit the earth.
C) They will see God.
D) They will receive mercy.
5. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will __.”
A) be comforted
B) see God
C) inherit the earth
D) obtain mercy
6. What does Jesus say about the peacemakers in the Beatitudes?
A) They will inherit the earth.
B) They will be filled with wisdom.
C) They will be called children of God.
D) They will see God.
7. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for __.”
A) they will be called children of God.
B) theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
C) they will inherit the earth.
D) they will receive mercy.
8. What does Jesus say about those who mourn in the Beatitudes?
A) They will be filled with wisdom.
B) They will inherit the earth.
C) They will be called children of God.
D) They will be comforted.
9. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account, rejoice and be glad, for __.”
A) great is your reward in heaven.
B) you will be called children of God.
C) you will inherit the earth.
D) you will be filled with wisdom.
10. Which gospel in the New Testament contains the Beatitudes?
A) Mark
B) Luke
C) John
D) Matthew
1. C The Beatitudes
2. B They will be called the children of God.
3. A inherit the kingdom of heaven
4. A They will be filled.
5.D obtain mercy
6. C They will be called children of God.
7. B theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
8. D They will be comforted.
9. A) great is your reward in heaven.
10. D) Matthew
I hope this quiz helped you deepen your understanding of the Beatitudes and their meanings. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!