Some 2,000 years ago Jesus gave the invitation “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19) to a small group of fishermen on the shores of Galilee. They “immediately left the boat and followed Him” (verse 22). As they spent time with Jesus, their lives were transformed forever. Today Jesus still calls people to be His disciples. Being a disciple begins by following Jesus spending time with Him through Bible study and prayer, following where He leads.
This year’s adult Week of Prayer readings is a collaborative team effort of the Adventist Review and the Adventist world family.
The week of prayer starts on the 5th of November to the 12th of November, 2021.
5th The first sabbath I Will Go Make Disciples – Ted N. C.
6th Sunday: What Is a Disciple? – Glenn Town
7th Monday: Growing as a Disciple of Jesus – S. Joseph Kidder
8th Tuesday: Living as a Disciple- Joel Okindoh
9th Wednesday: Making Disciples- Tara VinCross
10th Thursday: The Cost of Being a Disciple- Anna Galenie
11th Friday: The Joy of Being a Disciple – Dwain N. Esmond
12th Second Sabbath: The Evidence of True Discipleship – Ellen G.