10 Days of Prayer: January 11-21, 2023 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January 11-21, 2023 – Day 3 (PDF)

The Prayer Theme: Back to the Altar: Making a Place for God.

Claiming the Promises
It is our privilege to claim God’s promises in our prayers. All His commandments and counsels are also promises. He would never ask from us something that we could not do in His strength.
It is so easy to focus on our needs, our difficulties, our challenges—and to wail and whine about our situation when we pray.
This is not the purpose of prayer. Prayer is meant to strengthen our faith. That is why we encourage you to claim God’s promises in your prayer time. Take your eyes off yourself and your weaknesses and look to Jesus. By beholding Him, we become changed into His image.

Ellen White offers this encouragement: “Every promise in the Word of God is for us. In your prayers, present the pledged word of Jehovah and by faith claim His promises. His word is the assurance that if you ask in faith, you will receive all spiritual blessings. Continue to ask, and you will receive exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think” (In Heavenly Places, p. 71).
How can you claim His promises? For instance, when praying for peace, you can claim John 14:27 and say, “Lord, You have told us in Your Word, ‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’ Give me the peace that You promised to leave with us.” Thank the Lord that He is giving you peace, even though you may not feel it right then

2023 Ten Days of Prayer will start on the 11th of January to the 21st of January, 2022.

10 Days of Prayer: January 11-21, 2023 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January 11-21, 2023 – Day 2 (PDF)

The Prayer Theme: Back to the Altar: Making a Place for God

Suggested Guidelines for Prayer Times
• Keep your prayers short—just a sentence or two on one topic. Then give others a turn. You can pray as many times as you’d
like, just as you talk in a conversation.
• Do not be afraid of silence, as it gives everyone time to listen to the Holy Spirit.
• Singing songs together as the Spirit leads is also a huge blessing. You do not need a piano for this; singing acapella is fine.
• Rather than using up valuable prayer time talking about your prayer requests, simply pray them. Then others can also pray
for your requests and claim promises for your need.