10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 3 (PDF)

Day 3 Ten Days of Prayer — THE BLESSING OF WAITING

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10, ESV)

The Biblical Virtue of Slowing Down

In an age of constant movement and noise pollution, nothing is more critical than stillness and quiet. In our hectic modern life, daily urgencies demand our attention. We have become accustomed to a fast-food mentality where we expect things the quickest possible way. We have forgotten how to wait patiently, and this impatience can leak into our spiritual walk with devastating effects. The visual impulses and acoustic distractions of this hyper-connected age make it even harder to slow down and become still.

Learning to wait in quietness and focusing our thoughts on divine matters as we talk with God may seem like a strange practice for many people today, but it is a biblical virtue that needs to be revived. Cultivating a quiet space that is not crowded with other urgencies and preserving unclaimed time is crucial to connecting with God. To slow down, to sit still, to breathe, to remind ourselves of God’s tender care, to patiently wait, and not to get nervous if God does not immediately answer our prayers—these are arts that we need to learn afresh.

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Next – DAY 4

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Day 3 Ten Days of Prayer

More Prayer Suggestions

Thanks and Praise: Give thanks for specific blessings and praise God for His goodness.
Confession: Take a few minutes for private confession and thank God for His forgiveness.
Guidance: Ask God to grant wisdom for current challenges and decisions.
Our Church: Pray for regional and world church needs (see separate sheet with requests).
Local Requests: Pray for current needs of church members, family, and neighbors.
Listen and Respond: Take time to listen for God’s voice and respond in praise or song.

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January :10-20, 2024 – Day 2 (PDF)


“The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves.” (Mark 6:30–32, ESV)

Busyness in the Work for God

Busyness is king in our world. Modern society and high-pressure consumerism have drilled one belief into us: the busier we are, the more respected we become. Busyness has become an indicator of our diligence and eagerness to do good and get ahead. But while we are busy making a living, we have forgotten to live and enjoy life, which is tragic. Perhaps even more tragic is the subtle danger that many committed followers of Christ have adopted: a mindset of busyness in their work for God. We often do it for the best possible reasons and we know that time is short. We want to accomplish the most for Him. Therefore, we strive to be busy.

We want to be good stewards of our time and talents. It feels good to be busy for God, and sometimes we are tempted to think that God will reward our busyness for Him, only to discover that in our busyness for God, we have lost our living connection with our Redeemer. We are doing good things out of habit, not in the power of the Holy Spirit. And the busier we get, the more we deem ourselves in line with God’s purpose. Busy becomes the new norm. We are so busy glorifying how busy we are that we miss the moments in life that really matter. Busyness crushes our spiritual vitality. Hurry is the enemy of any love relationship, especially our relationship with the living God of Scripture. Love demands the attention of unhurried time.

Previous –DAY 1

Next – DAY 3

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Day 2 Ten Days of Prayer

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January :10-20, 2024 – Day 1 (PDF)


“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” (Eph. 5:15, 16, ESV)

Is More Truly More?

Our lives are packed to the brim with so many things we want to pursue. In a society that is madly driven by consumerism and marketing, we are easily lured into believing that the more we have, the happier we are. Because of the tempting advertisements all around us, we wrongly desire to have it all. Sometimes we extend this thinking even to our work for God. We want to serve God, but at the same time, we don’t want to miss out on anything else that crosses our path. And so we desperately try to harmonize our desire to serve God with the endless pursuit of more and more things. This leads to a whirlwind of activities. In a restless hurry, we fool ourselves into believing that we can follow God without letting go of everything else that vies for our attention.

2024 Ten Days of Prayer will start on the 10th of January to the 20th of January, 2024.


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All prayer groups have different ways of praying together. We encourage you to spend the next 30-45 minutes in united prayer, in whatever way the Holy Spirit leads. We encourage short conversational prayers (1-3 sentences). This allows for more people to pray multiple times. Below are some examples of praying through Scripture based on the theme. You may pray through other passages also and include other subjects in your prayer time. See the Leader’s Guide and World Church Prayer Requests for prayer ideas.

Day 1 Ten Days of Prayer

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 3 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January 10-20, 2024 (Download Material)

Welcome to Ten Days of Prayer 2024! We think praying is where revival starts. In the past, when we prayed and fasted together, God did many amazing things. The Holy Spirit helped people believe in God, got them excited about telling others, made churches more alive, and fixed relationships.

2024 Ten Days of Prayer will start on the 10th of January to the 20th of January, 2024.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV

Suggested Times for Each Session

Keep your praying time simple so the group can focus on actually praying. How much time you spend on each section will vary. The following guide is just a suggestion:

Welcome and introduction: 2 – 5 minutes
Read devotional : 5 minutes
Pray through the verses in “Praying God’s Word” : 10 – 15 minutes
Pray about the items in “More Prayer Suggestions” :20 – 30 minutes
Respond in song and praise: 5 – 10 minutes.

Download 10 Days of Prayer 2024 Materials

Feel free to download each separate PDF file.

10 Days of Prayer 2024

November 2023 Children Week of Prayer (PDF)

November 2023 Children Week of Prayer (PDF)

In the children week of prayer material, you’ll read stories of biblical characters who were mighty witnesses for Christ in a variety of situations: Joseph, who witnessed despite personal struggles; the young maid who witnessed to her master in a foreign land; Daniel, who witnessed to powerful earthly rulers; and others who shared in their own sphere of influence.

We are told, “The words of Christ just before His ascension to heaven mean much to everyone who shall accept the truth as it is in Jesus. . . . All the followers of Christ are to be witnesses for Him. Everyone who receives the precious treasure of truth is to impart of the same to others”

Would you like to be a witness for Jesus? I invite you to take a few moments during this 2023 Week of Prayer and ask the Lord what He would have you do to share His love with others as a faithful witness. Maranatha!

Link to adult week of prayer material