2023 Stewardship Revival Week: November 25-December 2 (PDF)

2023 Stewardship Revival Week: November 25-December 2 (PDF)

Adventist Stewardship Revival Week is an annual event observed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church that focuses on the concept of stewardship. Stewardship, in this context, refers to the responsible management and utilization of resources, including time, talents, finances, the environment, and more, as a reflection of one’s gratitude to God.

During Stewardship Week, which is typically held in early November, Seventh-day Adventists emphasize the biblical principles of stewardship and its relevance to everyday life. The week often involves various activities, sermons, seminars, workshops, and outreach programs aimed at educating church members about the importance of stewardship and encouraging them to apply these principles in their lives.

The week might highlight topics such as financial responsibility, environmental conservation, health and wellness, volunteering, and giving back to the community. The aim is to inspire individuals to reflect on their blessings and consider how they can utilize their resources in ways that honor God and benefit others.

Each year, the focus and specific activities during Adventist Stewardship Week might vary, but the overarching goal remains consistent: to promote a culture of mindful and purposeful stewardship among Seventh-day Adventists and within their communities.

2023 SRW will take place from November 25th to December 2nd 2023. The theme is God First.

The GodFirst Stewardship Revival Week is an annual initiative of the GC Stewardship Ministries to invite the global membership to renew their commitment to God as stewards.

Stewardship Revival Week For Adult (PDF)

Stewardship Revival Week For Children (PDF)

For Adult SRW (PowerPoint)

2023 SRW Day 1

2023 SRW Day 2

2023 SRW Day 3

2023 SRW Day 4

2023 SRW Day 5

2023 SRW Day 6

2023 SRW Day 7

2023 SRW Day 8

Seventh Day Adventist Church Calendar for 2024 (Full Details)

Seventh Day Adventist Church Calendar for 2024 (Full Details)

The Seventh Day Adventist Church is a big group that does similar things all around the world. They live and worship in different places, but the 21 million members are more than just a religious community—they’re like a family.

It can be hard for them to feel close because they’re spread out. One way they try to feel more together is by celebrating special days and events together, even though they’re in different time zones. These special days help them feel connected and also make them more aware of important issues like preventing abuse, supporting families, and protecting religious freedom.


January 2024

January 6: Quarterly Day of Prayer
January 10-20: Ten Days of Prayer – For more information, click HERE to download material
January 13: Health Ministries – For more information, please contact your local division.
January 20: Religious Liberty Day – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty.

February 2024

February 3: Reach the World: Personal Outreach – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries.
February 10-17: Christian Home and Marriage Week – Click HERE for Material

March 2024

March 2: Women’s Day of Prayer – To Download materials, Click HERE
March 9: Adventist World Radio – For more information, please contact Adventist World Radio.
March 16-23: Youth Week of Prayer – Click HERE
March 16: Global Youth Day – For more information – Click HERE
March 16: Global Children’s Day – For more information, please see the General Children’s Ministries website.
March 23: Christian Education – For more information, please contact your local division.

April 2024

April 6: Quarterly Day of Prayer
April 6: Youth Spiritual Commitment Celebration (Northern Hemisphere) – For more information, please contact your local division.
April 13: Friends of Hope Day (Visitor’s Day) – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries.
April 13: Hope Channel International – For more information, please contact Hope Channel International.
April 13-19: Literature Evangelism Rally Week – For more information, please contact your local division.
April 13: World Impact Day—for Distribution of Missionary Book – For more information, please contact your local division.
April 20: Possibility Ministries Day – For more information, please contact the Adventist Possibility Ministries.

May 2024

May 4-25: Drug Awareness Month – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Health Ministries.
May 4: Reach the World: Using Communication Channels – This day has been set aside to share our church’s global strategic plan with the world.
May 11: Reach the World: In the Community – For more information, please contact your local division.
May 18: Global Adventurer’s Day – For more information, contact the General Conference Youth Ministries department.
May 25: World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk

June 2024

June 1: Reach the World: Bible Study: Sabbath School and Correspondence Courses
June 8: Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Woman’s Ministries.
June 15: Reach the World: Nurturing Other Members and Reclaiming
June 15: Adventist Church World Refugee Day – For more information, please contact the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.
June 22: World Public Campus Ministries Day – For more information, please visit the General Conference Youth Ministries department website.

July 2024

July 6: Quarterly Day of Prayer
July 13: Mission Promotion: World Mission
July 20: Reach the World: Media Ministry – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Communication.
July 27: Children’s Sabbath – For more information, please see the General Children’s Ministries website.

August 2024

August 3: Global Mission Evangelism – For more information, please contact your local division.
August 10: Reach the World: Church Planting – For more information, please contact Adventist Mission.
August 17: Education Day – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Education.
August 24: enditnow Day – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Women’s Ministries.
August 24: Lay Evangelism – For more information, please contact your local division.

September 2024

September 1-7: Family Togetherness Week of Prayer – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Family Ministries.
September 7: Family Togetherness Day of Prayer – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Family Ministries.
September 7: Youth Spiritual Commitment Celebration (Southern Hemisphere) – For more information, please contact your local division.
September 14: Mission Promotion: Unusual Opportunities – For more information, please contact Adventist Mission.
September 21: Pathfinder Day – For more information, visit the Youth Ministries website.
September 28: Sabbath School Guest Day – For more information, please contact your local division.

October 2024

October 5: Quarterly Day of Prayer
October 5: Adventist Review Subscription Promotion – For more information, visit the Adventist Review website.
October 12: Pastor Appreciation Day – For more information, visit the Elder’s Digest website.
October 19: Spirit of Prophecy and Adventist Heritage – For more information, please view the Ellen G. White Estate website.
October 26: Creation Sabbath – For more information, please view the Creation Sabbath website.

November 2024

November 2-9: Week of Prayer
November 9-15: e-Week of Prayer for Youth and Young Adults – For more information, please contact the General Conference Department of Youth Ministries.
November 9: Mission Promotion: Annual Sacrifice Offering – For more information, please visit Global-Mission.org/mysacrifice.
November 16: World Orphans-Vulnerable Children Day
November 23: HIV/AIDS Awareness – For more information, please contact Adventist AIDS International Ministry.
November 30-December 7: Stewardship Revival Week – For more information, please visit Stewardship Ministries website.

December 2024

December 7: Annual Stewardship Sabbath
December 14: Health Emphasis – For more information, please contact your local division.

International Women’s Day of Prayer – March 2, 2024 (Materials)

International Women’s Day of Prayer – March 2, 2024 (Materials)

The International Women’s Day of Prayer for 2024 will be holding in March 2nd. This year resource packet Ignite Your Prayer Life is written by Linda Mei Lin Koh, Ed.D., recently retired director of General Conference Children’s Ministries. The packet includes her sermon “Ignite Your Prayer Life” with a children’s story, her seminar “Five Spiritual Benefits of Prayer,” and her activity, “Women of the Bible Prayer Walks.”

Let me ask you a personal question, “How is your prayer life?” What would you respond? Would you say, “It’s on fire!” Or “It’s okay.” Or may you would be truly hones and say, “It’s dying or non-existent and needs help.” Well, whatever your answer may be, this packet is for you.

2024 International Women’s Day of Prayer

My prayer is that as you participate in this year’s International Women’s Day of Prayer that you will open your hearts and minds for the Holy Spirit to ignite a fire deep within that will
empower your prayer and devotional life and your relationships at home and abroad, your
neighborhood, your workplace, and also your church.

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 10 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 10 (PDF)


“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Heb. 10:24, 25, ESV)

Analog Spirituality

Biblical spirituality is analog, not digital. It is based on personal and tangible practices between real people and the living God. Tangible things are by their very nature analog, not virtual. While the God of the Bible is invisible to the human eye, He has called us to practice very specific analog things that express our relationship with Him. Take our works, for example. The practical things we do for God or for other human beings are always analog in character. Or think about our Sabbath observance.

To keep the Sabbath holy involves several specific analog practices like rest or worship. Resting from our mundane activities and making choices that reflect the holiness of the Sabbath day is never a virtual experience; it is always analog. This holds true for worship experiences in fellowship with real human beings in church on Sabbath mornings. While it is possible to join a digital worship service via the Internet, the ultimate worship experience finds fulfillment in analog commitments and participation with real people in physical places. Practical and real acts of kindness, grace, forgiveness, compassion, awe, and adoration are meaningful only when we experience them analog. No virtual reality can replace or surpass an analog human touch, kiss, helping hand, the comfort of a heartfelt embrace, the joy of physically felt laughter, or the firmness of a welcoming handshake. You cannot celebrate the practice of foot-washing, or eating and drinking the emblems of communion virtually. What Jesus has instituted through His own example is to be
remembered physically in a way we can touch and taste.

Previous – DAY 9

Click HERE to download the full material

Day 10 Ten Days of Prayer

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 10 (PDF)

10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 9 (PDF)


“If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable; if you honor it, not going your own ways, or seeking your own pleasure, or talking idly; then you shall take delight in the Lord, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” (Isa. 58:13, 14, ESV)

Sign of Our Identity

One blessing that truly matters for human life is Sabbath rest. The Sabbath day reminds us of our origin and that God is our Creator (Exod. 20:8-11). It also testifies to God’s graciousness as the loving Savior who delivered His people from the bondage of slavery (Deut. 5:12-15). As such, Sabbath celebration is a powerful sign of our identity as human beings. This identity is not derived from economic success or our level of productivity. Nor is our identity determined by whether we are employers or employees. The Sabbath is God’s invitation to rest in Him and enjoy what He has graciously provided.

The Sabbath, rightly understood, is an exercise in un-hurry. It teaches us to rest from rushing, performing, and achieving. A weekly declaration by my heart and mind that God is more important than my to-do list and my output. It acknowledges a shift in my priorities and makes visible my loyalties. Sabbath allows me to slow down and rest in God’s presence. It lets me enjoy His promise that He is enough. Although not engaging in mundane business activities on Sabbath is an important expression of our loyalty to God, resting in God’s love and care is far more than abstaining from work.

Sabbath rest is fulfilled in our deliberate and meaningful communion with our Creator. When we learn to rest in the reality of God’s unfailing love, and when His goodness becomes our focus, we experience joy, shalom, and a desire to worship God with our entire being.

Previous – DAY 8

Next – DAY 10

Click HERE to download the full material

Day 9 Ten Days of Prayer