Sermon: Love in Action-Serving Others with Compassion

Sermon: Love in Action-Serving Others with Compassion


Good morning/afternoon, dear congregation. Today, we gather to delve into a fundamental aspect of our faith – the call to love one another through actions of service and compassion. Our discussion today is centered on the idea that love is not merely a sentiment; it’s a powerful force that drives us to serve and uplift those around us.

Bible Reference: 1 John 3:16-18 (NIV)
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

Love in Action:

The words of 1 John 3:16-18 remind us that the highest form of love is sacrificial – just as Jesus demonstrated by laying down His life for us. This love isn’t passive; it’s active, compelling us to serve those around us selflessly. It’s easy to speak of love, but our faith calls us to tangibly demonstrate it through our actions.

Compassion in Service:

Compassion is at the heart of Christian service. It goes beyond empathy; it drives us to act on behalf of others. It’s not limited to the deserving; rather, it reaches out to all, regardless of circumstances. Jesus Himself exemplified compassion in His interactions with the sick, the outcast, and the marginalized.

The Impact of Loving Service:

When we serve others with compassion, we have the power to transform lives. Our acts of love can mend broken spirits, alleviate suffering, and restore hope. Every meal shared with the hungry, every hand extended to the hurting, and every act of kindness offered in the name of Christ has the potential to leave a lasting impact.

Breaking Down Barriers:

Loving service also breaks down barriers that divide us. When we serve, we look beyond differences and see the inherent worth in every individual. Our service becomes a bridge that connects hearts and fosters unity within our communities.

Overcoming Self-Centeredness:

Serving others with compassion challenges our self-centered tendencies. It reminds us that the purpose of life isn’t merely to fulfill our own desires, but to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. This shift in perspective aligns us more closely with Christ’s teachings.

Practical Ways to Serve:

  1. Volunteerism: Dedicate your time and skills to local charities, shelters, or community organizations.
  2. Acts of Kindness: Perform small acts of kindness – holding doors, offering help, or simply lending a listening ear.
  3. Supporting the Needy: Contribute to food drives, clothing donations, and initiatives that aid the less fortunate.
  4. Visiting the Lonely: Spend time with the elderly, sick, or isolated members of our community.
  5. Mentoring: Guide and mentor young individuals seeking guidance and direction in their lives.


In closing, as followers of Christ, let us internalize the message of 1 John 3:16-18. Love in action is a true reflection of our faith – it’s the embodiment of Christ’s love within us. May we find inspiration in His example and commit ourselves to serving others with compassion, for it is through these acts that we shine His light and make His love evident in a world yearning for genuine care and kindness. Let us move forward, not just loving in words, but in deeds and in truth. Amen.

Sermon: Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

Enditnow Emphasis Day – August 27, 2023 (Download Materials)

Enditnow Emphasis Day – August 27, 2023 (Download Materials)

The enditnow Emphasis Day holds a place on the global church calendar. General Conference Women’s Ministries (GCWM) manages the creation and dispersal of enditnow Emphasis Day resource packets. These materials are developed with input from six other co-sponsoring General Conference departments: Children’s Ministries, Education, Family Ministries, Health Ministries, Ministerial Association, and Youth Ministries.

This year’s enditnow Emphasis Day centers on “Deceptive Figures Among Believers: When Professed Followers of Jesus Cause Harm.” Both the Old and New Testaments liken God’s people to sheep, the believers to a flock, and our Lord to the Shepherd. However, our churches consist of imperfect individuals, leaving room for a potential wolf in sheep’s or shepherd’s guise. While we might associate abuse with violence, none of the instances discussed in the sermon involve physical harm. None of the “targets” resisted the mistreatment or even identified it as such at the time. Nevertheless, the power imbalance led to a violation in each case.

August 20: Education Day – Presentation about Adventist Education (Download Material)

August 20: Education Day – Presentation about Adventist Education (Download Material)

The Education Department’s role involves coordinating, promoting, training, and ensuring the quality of the global educational program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This program encompasses 9,489 educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, with a total of 111,360 educators and 2,044,709 students.

In close collaboration with Education Department directors across 13 world divisions, the team offers services to boards, administrators, and faculty members of Adventist educational institutions worldwide. Additionally, the staff provides assistance through the world divisions to educational leaders at union/conference/mission levels, as well as teachers in Adventist primary and secondary schools. The goal is to integrate the Adventist philosophy of education and faith-and-learning principles into the fabric of each institution.

Through collaboration with AMiCUS, the Department partners with Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and Youth Ministries Departments to nurture the faith of Adventist students attending non-Adventist educational institutions globally.

Sermon: The Power of Forgiveness – Finding Redemption Through Divine Grace

Sermon: The Power of Forgiveness – Finding Redemption Through Divine Grace


Greetings, beloved congregation. Today, we gather to explore a topic of profound significance – the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a concept deeply embedded in the teachings of our faith, and it holds the potential to transform lives, heal wounds, and reconcile relationships. As we delve into the Scriptures and reflect on the divine example of forgiveness, we will uncover the transformative power it carries and how it aligns with the core principles of our Christian faith.

Understanding Forgiveness: A Biblical Perspective

To truly grasp the depth of forgiveness, we turn to the pages of the Bible, where forgiveness is a central theme. In Colossians 3:13, the Apostle Paul writes, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Here, forgiveness is not just a suggestion; it’s a command rooted in the example of our Lord.

The Divine Model of Forgiveness

At the heart of forgiveness is the divine model set forth by Jesus Christ himself. In Luke 23:34, as Jesus hung on the cross, enduring immense suffering, he uttered these words: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” This moment encapsulates the epitome of forgiveness – extending grace even in the face of betrayal, pain, and injustice. Jesus, the embodiment of divine love and mercy, showed us that forgiveness is not about condoning wrongs but about offering a path to redemption and healing.

The Transformative Power of Forgiveness

  1. Healing Hearts: Forgiveness possesses the remarkable power to heal wounded hearts. When we carry the weight of anger and resentment, it harms our emotional and spiritual well-being. By choosing to forgive, we release these burdens and invite healing into our lives.
  2. Restoring Relationships: Forgiveness is a bridge to restored relationships. Matthew 5:23-24 reminds us that before presenting our offerings to God, we should first be reconciled with our brother or sister. Forgiveness paves the way for reconciliation, fostering unity and love.
  3. Breaking Chains of Negativity: Holding onto grudges perpetuates negativity within our hearts and relationships. Ephesians 4:31-32 urges us to “get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger.” Forgiveness breaks these chains, liberating us from the cycle of hurt.
  4. Embracing Redemption: Through forgiveness, we align ourselves with the redemption narrative woven throughout the Bible. Just as God forgives us through the sacrifice of Christ, we are called to forgive others, allowing them the opportunity for transformation and renewal.

Challenges on the Path of Forgiveness

While forgiveness holds immense power, it’s not always an easy journey. Acknowledging the challenges can help us navigate this path:

  1. Emotional Struggles: Letting go of resentment can be emotionally demanding, especially in the face of deep wounds. However, Psalm 147:3 reminds us that God “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
  2. Misunderstandings: Forgiveness is often misunderstood as excusing the offense. Remember that forgiveness is about healing, not minimizing the wrongs committed.
  3. Ego and Pride: Our ego and pride can hinder us from extending forgiveness. Yet, humility, as emphasized in Philippians 2:3, is the foundation for authentic Christian living.
  4. Fear of Vulnerability: Forgiveness requires vulnerability, which can be intimidating. However, 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness.

Steps Toward Forgiveness

  1. Recognize the Pain: Begin by acknowledging the pain caused by the offense. Ignoring it delays the healing process.
  2. Remember God’s Forgiveness: Reflect on God’s forgiveness toward us. Ephesians 4:32 encourages us to forgive others “just as in Christ God forgave you.”
  3. Prayer and Reflection: Seek God’s guidance through prayer and meditation. Ask for strength to follow the divine example of forgiveness.
  4. Choose Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a conscious choice, not a feeling. Choose to release negative emotions and open your heart to healing.
  5. Extend Forgiveness: If possible, communicate your decision to forgive to the person who wronged you. This step can facilitate healing and reconciliation.


As we conclude, remember that forgiveness is not just a human endeavor but a divine command. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are offered the ultimate example of forgiveness. By embracing forgiveness, we align ourselves with the redemptive narrative of our faith, allowing grace to transform hearts and relationships.

Let us heed the words of Ephesians 4:31-32: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

May we leave this place inspired to forgive as Christ forgave us, nurturing a spirit of healing, reconciliation, and love. Let us remember that forgiveness is a gift we give not only to others but to ourselves – a gift that echoes the divine grace extended to us.

The Power of Forgiveness

Read Also: Sermon: Finding Hope in Difficult Times

World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk -May 28, 2022 – Download Material – (PDF)

This is a special day of prayer scheduled annually on the last Sabbath of May. Thousands of children around the world are at risk. Many face abuse, neglect, trafficking to other countries, hurt and much more. Children at risk need to be protected and helped so that they can use their God-given talents to their fullest.

The world is dark. Children face pain, neglect and abuse. Hopelessness saturates families, communities, cities and entire nations. They need our prayers.