Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Welcome to Sabbath School for kindergarten children! This is a fun and special time on Saturday mornings at Seventh-day Adventist churches. During Sabbath School, we will learn about God, the Bible, and how to grow in our faith.

In the kindergarten class, we will listen to interesting Bible stories, do interactive activities, and have lessons that are just right for our age. Our teachers will help us understand these stories and how they can apply to our lives.

Sabbath School is a place where we can ask questions, share our thoughts, and explore our faith in a friendly and welcoming environment. Our teachers want us to feel comfortable and happy as we learn about God’s love.

During Sabbath School, we will have fun activities like crafts, games, and singing songs. These activities will help us remember the stories and lessons better. We will also learn simple verses from the Bible and take part in prayers and worship.

In Sabbath School for kindergarteners, we will make new friends and feel like we belong. It’s a safe and caring place where we can learn about God’s love for us and how we can show love to others.

By joining Sabbath School for kindergarteners, we will grow in our understanding of God, learn important Bible stories, and start building our own special relationship with Jesus. It’s an exciting journey that will help us become kind, loving, and joyful followers of God.

We are so happy to have you with us in Sabbath School for kindergarteners. Let’s have a great time together as we learn, play, and discover God’s amazing love!

Kindergarten sabbath school lesson



Lesson 1- July 1

Lesson 2 – July 8

Lesson 3- July 15

Lesson 4- July 22

Lesson 5- July 29

Lesson 6- August 5

Lesson 7- August 12

Lesson 8- August 19

Lesson 9- August 26

Lesson 10- September 2

Lesson 11- September 9

Lesson 12- September 16

Lesson 13- September 23

Lesson 14- September 30

Memory Verse

50 Moses Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

50 Moses Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

50 Moses Bible quiz questions and answers for youth programs contains questions about the Prophet Moses. Moses is a central figure and one of the most prominent figures in Christian traditions. He is considered a prophet, lawgiver, and leader of the Israelites.

The story of Moses is primarily documented in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Moses bible quiz below will increase your knowledge about Moses. Do well to share with your family and friends.

50 Moses Bible Quiz Questions

1. What did Moses ask God to show him when he encountered Him in the burning bush?

2. How did God identify Himself to Moses at the burning bush?

3. What was the first sign that God gave to Moses to perform before Pharaoh?

4. What was the second sign that God gave to Moses to perform before Pharaoh?

5. What was the third sign that God gave to Moses to perform before Pharaoh?

6. Who spoke on behalf of Moses because he claimed to be slow of speech and tongue?

7. What did Moses and Aaron say to Pharaoh when they first requested the Israelites’ release?

8. How old was Moses when he stood before Pharaoh?

9. What was the first plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

10. What was the second plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

11. What was the third plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

12. What was the fourth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

13. What was the fifth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

14. What was the sixth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

15. What was the seventh plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

16. What was the eighth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

17. What was the ninth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

18. What was the tenth plague that Moses brought upon Egypt?

19. How did Moses instruct the Israelites to mark their houses during the Passover?

20. What did the Israelites eat during the Passover meal?

21. What did Moses do with the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to cross on dry ground?

22. What did the Israelites complain about in the wilderness, leading to God providing them with manna?

23. How did God guide the Israelites through the wilderness during the day and night?

24. Who rebelled against Moses’ authority, resulting in the earth opening up and swallowing them?

25. What did Moses strike to bring forth water for the Israelites when they were thirsty in the wilderness?

26. What did Moses do when the Amalekites attacked the Israelites in the wilderness?

27. Who helped Moses hold up his hands during the battle against the Amalekites?

28. What did Moses use to strike the rock to bring forth water for the Israelites?

29. Who was the sister of Moses and Aaron?

30. How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?

31. Who was the father-in-law of Moses?

32. What did Moses’ father-in-law suggest to him regarding the leadership of the Israelites?

33. What did Moses say when he encountered the burning bush?

34. What excuse did Moses give to God when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?

35. What was the final plague that led to the release of the Israelites from Egypt?

36. What did Moses instruct the Israelites to do to protect themselves from the plague of the firstborn?

37. How many spies did Moses send to explore the Promised Land?

38. Who was the first high priest of Israel, appointed by Moses?

39. What did Moses do when the Israelites worshipped the golden calf?

40. How many times did Moses ascend Mount Sinai to receive the commandments?

41. What did Moses request from God when he said, “Please show me Your glory”?

42. Who succeeded Moses as the leader of the Israelites?

43. Who was Moses’ father?

44. What did Moses do when the people complained about the lack of water at Massah and Meribah?

45. Who did God speak to about Moses, saying, “I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings”?

46. What did Moses and Aaron do when Pharaoh’s magicians turned their staffs into serpents?

47. How did Miriam protect her baby brother when he was placed in a basket on the Nile River?

48. Who discovered Moses in the basket on the Nile River?

49. What was the name of Moses’ wife?

50. How did God describe Moses as His servant?


1. God’s name Exodus 3:13-14

2. “I AM WHO I AM” Exodus 3:14

3. Turning his staff into a snake Exodus 4:2-4

4. Turning his hand leprous and then healing it Exodus 4:6-7

5. Turning water from the Nile into blood Exodus 4:9

6. Aaron, his brother Exodus 4:14-16

7. “Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.” Exodus 5:1

8. 80 years old Exodus 7:7

9. Water turned into blood Exodus 7:19-20

10. Frogs Exodus 8:5-6

11. Gnats or lice Exodus 8:16-17

12. Flies Exodus 8:21-24

13. Death of livestock Exodus 9:3-6

14. Boils Exodus 9:8-9

15. Hail and thunder Exodus 9:22-25

16.Locusts Exodus 10:12-15

17. Darkness Exodus 10:21-23

18. Death of the firstborn Exodus 12:29-30

19. They were to put the blood of a lamb on the doorposts and lintel. Exodus 12:7

20. Roasted lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs Exodus 12:8

21. He stretched out his hand, and the sea was divided. Exodus 14:21-22

22. They complained about hunger and longing for the food they had in Egypt. Exodus 16:2-3

23. A pillar of cloud led them during the day, and a pillar of fire led them at night. Exodus 13:21-22

24. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Numbers 16:31-32

25. A rock Exodus 17:6

26. Moses held up his hands, and as long as his hands were raised, the Israelites were winning. Exodus 17:8-1327. Aaron and Hur Exodus 17:12

28. His staff Numbers 20:11

29. Miriam Exodus 15:20

30. 40 years Numbers 14:33-34

31. Jethro (also known as Reuel) Exodus 2:18

32. Moses should appoint leaders over the people to assist him. Exodus 18:13-26

33. “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” Exodus 3:3

34. Moses claimed that he was not eloquent in speech. Exodus 4:10

35. The death of the firstborn Exodus 12:29-30

36. They were to slaughter a lamb and apply its blood on the doorposts of their houses. Exodus 12:7

37. Twelve Numbers 13:1-2

38. Aaron, Moses’ brother Exodus 28:1

39. He broke the tablets containing the Ten Commandments and destroyed the golden calf. Exodus 32:19-20

40. Two times Exodus 24:18, 34:1-4

41. Moses asked to see God’s glory. Exodus 33:18

42. Joshua Deuteronomy 34:9

43. Amram Exodus 6:20

44. Moses struck the rock twice with his staff, and water came out for the people to drink. Exodus 17:6

45. God spoke to Moses’ brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam. Numbers 12:8

46. Moses’ staff swallowed up the staffs of the magicians. Exodus 7:12

47. Moses’ sister watched over him from a distance. Exodus 2:4-5

48. Pharaoh’s daughter Exodus 2:5-6

49. Zipporah Exodus 2:21

50. God described Moses as the most humble man on the face of the earth. Numbers 12:3

20 Jude Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

20 Jude Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

20 Jude bible quiz questions for youth programs with answers is about the book of Jude. The Book of Jude is a short letter in the Bible that was written by Jude the brother of Jesus. Jude wrote this letter to warn the early Christians about some people who were teaching wrong things in the church. He wanted the believers to be careful and not follow these false teachers. Jude talks about examples of God punishing wicked people in the past. He tells the believers to stay strong in their faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, and keep themselves in God’s love.
How well do you know the book of Jude? Share with your friend and family.

20 Jude Bible Quiz Questions

1. Who wrote the Book of Jude?

2. What relation does Jude have to Jesus?

3. How does Jude describe himself in the opening of his letter?

4. What warning does Jude give about certain individuals who have infiltrated the church?

5. According to Jude, what happened to the Israelites who did not believe in the wilderness?

6. Jude references three examples of divine judgment. What are they?

7. What do the false teachers in Jude’s letter do that is compared to the rebellion of Korah?

8. How does Jude describe the false teachers’ character traits and behaviors?

9. Jude quotes from an apocryphal book in his letter. Which book is it?

10. What does Jude say about the archangel Michael and the devil?

11. What are the “spots” or “blemishes” mentioned by Jude in reference to the false teachers?

12. According to Jude, what are the false teachers motivated by?

13. How does Jude encourage his readers to respond to the false teachers?

14. Jude quotes from the prophecy of Enoch. What does he say?

15. What are the two outcomes that Jude describes for the false teachers?

16. What is the significance of the phrase “building yourselves up in your most holy faith” in Jude’s letter?

17. What does Jude mean when he says to “keep yourselves in the love of God”?

18. How does Jude describe the mercy of God?

19. What does Jude mean by “snatching others from the fire”?

20. How does Jude conclude his letter?


1.Jude. (Jude 1:1)

2. He is a brother of James and Jesus. (Jude 1:1)

3. As a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. (Jude 1:1)

4. They are ungodly people who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ. (Jude 1:4)

5. They were later destroyed. (Jude 1:5)

6. The rebellion of angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the punishment of the Israelites in the wilderness. (Jude 1:6-7)

7. They reject authority and speak evil of celestial beings. (Jude 1:8)

8. They are ungodly, defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of things they do not understand. (Jude 1:8-10)

9. The Book of Enoch. (Jude 1:14-15)

10. Michael, when disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9)

11. They are hidden reefs at your love feasts, feasting with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves. (Jude 1:12)

12.They are motivated by their own selfish desires. (Jude 1:16)

13.By building themselves up in their most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, and keeping themselves in God’s love. (Jude 1:20-21)

14. Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness. (Jude 1:14-15)

15.They will be judged and face eternal condemnation. (Jude 1:4, 7)

16.It emphasizes the importance of strengthening one’s faith through spiritual growth. (Jude 1:20)

17. It means to live in obedience to God’s commandments and maintain a close relationship with Him. (Jude 1:21

18. He describes it as the mercy that leads to eternal life. (Jude 1:21)

19. It refers to rescuing people from the destructive influence of sin and leading them to salvation. (Jude 1:23)

20. With a doxology, praising God and ascribing glory, majesty, power, and authority to Him through Jesus Christ. (Jude 1:24-25)

50 Revelation Bible Quiz with Answers For Youth Programs

50 Revelation Bible Quiz with Answers For Youth Programs

50 Revelation Bible Quiz with Answers for Youth Programs is about the book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the New Testament of the Bible. It was written by the apostle John while he was exiled on an island called Patmos. The main theme of Revelation is the revealing of future events and the ultimate victory of good over evil. It shows visions and messages that tell us about the battle between God and Satan, the final judgment, and the creation of a new heaven and earth.
How well do you know the book of Revelation? The bible quiz below will increase your knowledge about the book of Revelation. Do well to share with your friends.

Here are 50 Revelation Bible Quiz

1. How many chapters are in the book of Revelation?

2. Who wrote the book of Revelation?

3. On which island was John when he received the revelation?

4. How many churches are mentioned in the letters of Revelation?

5. What was the first church mentioned in the book of Revelation?

6. What was the name of the church known for being lukewarm?

7. What is the number of the beast mentioned in Revelation?

8. How many seals are opened in Revelation?

9. What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse?

10. Who is the rider on the white horse in Revelation chapter 6 ?

11. What is the name of the great prostitute mentioned in Revelation?

12. How many angels blew the trumpets in Revelation?

13. Who is the angel that throws Satan into the abyss in Revelation?

14. What is the name of the river that flows through the New Jerusalem?

15. How many gates does the New Jerusalem have?

16. Who is the woman clothed with the sun in Revelation?

17. How many heads does the dragon have in Revelation?

18. What is the name of the angel who measures the New Jerusalem?

19. How many crowns are on the dragon’s heads in Revelation?

20. What are the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation?

21. What is the name of the angel who announces the fall of Babylon?

22. How many plagues are poured out by the seven bowls in Revelation?

23. What is the name of the city where Jesus will reign for a thousand years?

24. What is the name of the book in which all human deeds are recorded?

25. What is the name of the first heaven and earth that pass away?

26. What is the name of the angel who shows John the New Jerusalem?

27. How many gates of the New Jerusalem have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel?

28. What is the name of the angel who has the key to the abyss in Revelation?

29. How many thrones are mentioned around God’s throne in Revelation?

30. What is the name of the great city where the Lord was crucified?

31. What is the name of the sea of glass mentioned in Revelation?

32. How many elders are mentioned in Revelation?

33. What is the name of the angel who shows John the bride, the wife of the Lamb?

34. How many foundations does the wall of the New Jerusalem have?

35. What is the name of the angel who announces the eternal gospel?

36. How many woes are mentioned in Revelation?

37. What is the name of the angel who pours out the fifth bowl on the throne of the beast?

38. How many heads does the beast from the sea have in Revelation?

39. What is the name of the angel who pours out the fourth bowl on the sun?

40. How many times is the phrase “He who has an ear, let him hear” mentioned in Revelation?

41. What is the name of the angel who has the key to the house of David?

42. How many mountains are mentioned in the book of Revelation?

43. What is the name of the angel who pours out the sixth bowl on the river Euphrates?

44. How many years does Satan remain bound in the abyss according to Revelation 20?

45.  Here is the patience of the ________.

46. How many times is the word “Hallelujah” mentioned in Revelation?

47. What is the name of the angel who throws the great millstone into the sea?

48. How many gates of the New Jerusalem have the names of the twelve apostles?

49. What is the name of the angel who announces the fall of Babylon?

50. How many angels are involved in casting the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire?

Revelation Bible Quiz Answers

1. 22
2.The apostle John (Revelation 1:1)
3.The island of Patmos (Revelation 1:9)
4. Seven (Revelation 1:11)
5. The church in Ephesus (Revelation 2:1)
6. The church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-16)
7. 666 (Revelation 13:18)
8. Seven (Revelation 6:1-17)
9. Conquest, War, Famine, and Death (Revelation 6:1-8)
10. Jesus Christ (Revelation 6:2)
11. Babylon the Great (Revelation 17:5)
12. Seven (Revelation 8:2)
13. The angel with the key to the bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1-3)
14. The River of the Water of Life (Revelation 22:1)
15. Twelve (Revelation 21:12)
16. The nation of Israel (Revelation 12:1)
17. Seven (Revelation 12:3)
18. The angel with the golden measuring rod (Revelation 21:15)
19. Ten (Revelation 12:3)
20. Two prophets who testify during the end times (Revelation 11:3-12)
21. The mighty angel (Revelation 18:1-2)
22. Seven (Revelation 16:1-21)
23. The city of Jerusalem (Revelation 20:9)

24. The Book of Life (Revelation 20:12)

25. The former heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1)

26.  One of the seven angels with the seven bowls (Revelation 21:9)

27. 12

28. The angel of the abyss (Revelation 9:1-2)

29. Twenty-four (Revelation 4:4)

30. Jerusalem (Revelation 11:8)

31.  The Sea of Glass mingled with fire (Revelation 15:2)

32. Twenty-four (Revelation 4:4)

33. One of the seven angels with the seven bowls (Revelation 21:9)

34.  Twelve (Revelation 21:14)

35. The angel flying in midheaven (Revelation 14:6-7)

36.  Three (Revelation 8:13)

37. The angel of the waters (Revelation 16:10)

38. Seven (Revelation 13:1)

39. The fourth angel (Revelation 16:8)

40. Seven (Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22)

41. 41. The holy angel (Revelation 3:7)

42. Seven (Revelation 17:9)

43. The sixth angel (Revelation 16:12)

44. A thousand years (Revelation 20:2-3)

45.  saints

46. Four (Revelation 19:1, 19:3, 19:4, 19:6)

47. The strong angel (Revelation 18:21)

48. The mighty angel (Revelation 18:1-2)

49. Twelve (Revelation 21:14)

50.Two (Revelation 19:20)

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from all Books of the Bible

3 John Bible Quiz for Youth Programs with Answers

3 John Bible Quiz for Youth Programs with Answers

The book of 3 john is one of the letters of John the evangelist. 3 John bible quiz for youth program with answers contains lessons that are valuable to Christians. The book of 3 John is focused on hospitality and fellowship among brethren.

How much do you know about the book of 3 John? Do well to share with your friends.

3 John Bible Quiz

1. How many chapters are in the book of 3 John?

1. 1

2. What was the first word in the book of 3 John?

3. What is the name of the elder that apostle John loved in truth?

4. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in ________, just as your soul prospers.

5. Elder Gaius walked in truth. True or False?

6. What great quality did Gaius have?

7. Who went abut spreading malicious nonsense about the apostles?

8.Dear friend, do not imitate what is ________ but what is good.

9.According to 3 John 12, who is well spoken of by everyone?

10, Who refused to welcome other believers?

11. I hope to see you soon, and we will _______ face to face.




3. Gaius 3John 1

4. health 3 John 2


6.He was kind to both the brethren and strangers

7. Diotrephes 3 John 10

8. evil



11. talk