Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 7

Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 7

2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 Covenant Primer
Wednesday: The Covenant With MosesText: [[Exo 6:5]] KJV
_And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant._MessageIn our study yesterday, we saw that within the covenant promises to Abram was the statement, _”…And I will make of thee a great nation,…”_ Years have passed, and this covenant begun it’s fulfilment through Israel. Israel was the chosen nation of God, not because they were great or special, but because of God’s covenant promise for Abram, Isaac and Jacob. While in bondage in Egypt, God sent a messenger to them who was to deliver them and take them to the promised land – Canaan. But God had to reactivate the covenant. While Israel had nothing to offer God, God made a covenant to Deliver them.From all indications, the covenant with Israel through Moses reiterated the the earlier one with Abram. They shared similar characteristics:
1. Both showed a special relationship of God to His people (comp Gen. 17:7, 8 with Exod. 19:5, 6).
2. Both promised being a great nation (comp Gen. 12:2 with Exod. 19:6).
3. Obedience was required in both (comp Gen. 17:9–14 and Gen. 22:1618 with Exod. 19:5). Once God initiated this covenant with Israel, it was up to them to agree to it, but God had already given them the promise to bless, which he wasn’t going to fail.God took the initiative. Before giving Israel covenant law, He had 1st delivered them. In other words, God gave them more reason to be faithful. They didn’t have to obey before they will be delivered, rather, they were to obey because they’ve been blessed already. This principle is also clearly illustrated in the NT context of how God deals with us. He saves us, then asks us to obey.ReflectionGod didn’t just want to be a philanthropist, he wanted a strong relationship with Israel. He wanted to be their God, and they will be His people. This was to be the covenant relationship. *What is your relationship with God today? Do you only go to him when in need, or you are in such a relationship which He desires?

Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 6

Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 6

2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 Covenant Primer
Tuesday: The Covenant With Abram

Text: [[Gen 12:3]] KJV
_And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed._

Another Covenant recorded in scripture between God and a man was that with Abram. Here again, without any request from Abram, God initiated a covenant relationship which Abram was going to reap the blessings if he agreed to. God guaranteed that the He himself was responsible for the reward, and Abram had nothing to bring to the “covenant table” which God was going to benefit from. All it required was his acceptance and obedience.

Notice carefully God’s covenant promise, _”Get thee out of thy country,… unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: (vs 1,2)_ God had covenanted with Abram to make him great. He only had to respond to one command – Get out! Note again that, *He obeyed by faith (Heb. 11:8), but not in order to bring about the promised blessings. His obedience was the response of his faith to the loving relationship, which God already had established.In other words, Abram already believed in God, already trusted in God, already had faith in God’s promises.

There was no physical evidence of what God said He’ll do for Abram, yet, he left his father’s house. Why? Only faith could explain that. By the exercise of this faith, he enjoyed fully the covenant promise. His obedience wasn’t the trigger for his blessing, but he wouldn’t have received if he didn’t obey. This Abrahamic covenant teaches a key principle of our salvation.

We are saved by faith—a faith that results in works of obedience. The promise of salvation comes first; the works follow. Although there can be no covenant fellowship and no blessing without obedience, that obedience is faith’s response to what God already has done. How can this understanding help us appreciate our relationship with God today?

Sabbath School Daily Summary-April 5

Sabbath School Daily Summary-April 5

2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 : Covenant Primer
Monday: Covenant With Noah

Text: [[Gen 6:18]] KJV
But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.

The moment man disobeyed God, he began a downward journey into degradation. The Bible records how the very imaginations of men were evil continually, and it repented God for creating man. This was never God’s plan for his creation, but their choice had led them there. The worst part was that, they couldn’t do anything to help themselves. God had intended to destroy the world through a universal flood, but not until He had established a covenant relationship with man through Noah. This was the 1st mention of the term covenant in scripture, and it was God himself that initiated it.

If there was a sure destruction of the world, then what was the essence and content of this covenant with Noah? It’s interesting to note that the whole covenant was a promise to protect the family members who were willing to live in a committed relationship with Him, one that resulted in obedience. Think about this well… You offend someone, and the person initiates an agreement with you that he is going to protect you and your family if you want, and all you have to do is to say Yes! That’s how simple God’s covenant with man was.

God showed the highest commitment in this covenant. In fact, He gave full assurance to Noah that he will save him and his family. Without this assurance, Noah could never have escaped the flood destruction. Again, God didn’t give a statement of probability, rather, it was a conclusive statement to save. In this first covenant with man, we learn that God initiates a plan to save man, and all man had to do was to accept and be saved.Though between two parties, God does everything and the man receives all the benefits.

Look at Noah’s story and think about how without any contribution from man, God promises to save, and indeed He does. What does this tell us about how we can trust His promises even today?

Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 4

Sabbath School Daily Summary- April 4

2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 Covenant Primer
Sunday: Covenant Basics
Text: [[Gen 17:2]] KJV

_And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.

In our introductory study last week, we began with a perfect plan of God in creating the universe and handing over to man. God did all for our first parents without any contribution from them. It was entirely God’s gift. Unfortunately, sin came in and God had to activate the plan of redemption.

It’s the content of this plan that’ll be the focus of our study this quarter. We’ll explore the details of God’s covenant with man. What is it? What does it require of us? This week, we’ll consider all of God’s covenant with his people and how they all climaxed. Generally speaking, covenant can be understood as an agreement between two parties. In biblical terms, it’s often described as between God and man.

There are 3 basic elements of every biblical covenant which is important for us to appreciate the entire lesson:

1. God affirmed the *covenant promises* with an oath (Gal. 3:16).
2. The covenant *obligation was obedience to God’s will* as expressed in the Ten Commandments (Deut. 4:13).
3. The means by which God’s covenant *obligation is ultimately fulfilled is through Christ* and the plan of salvation (Isa. 42:1, 6).

In a typical ancient covenant between 2 people, both parties bring something to “the table”. Each commits something to it and benefits from the agreement. But in God’s covenant with man, He initiates the covenant, promises blessings and all man had to do was to obey and receive the blessings. Even our ability to obey, He made provision for us to succeed. God gave all, and didn’t have benefit from it.

Think about who God is and who we are in comparison to Him, what kind of relationship does His covenant with us depict? Share your understanding.