Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Primary – Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Primary – Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School is one of the most important parts of Sabbath. It gives us the opportunity for fellowship, mission understanding, outreach, and one of the greatest parts, Bible study, and discussion.

Primary ministers to children ages 5 to 9 years. This quarters lessons are divided into 3 segments which includes

  1. Service
  2. Grace
  3. Community

Download Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Primary


Lesson 1 – July 2

Lesson 2 – July 9

Lesson 3 – July16

Lesson 4 – July 23

Lesson 5 – July 30

Lesson 6 – August 6

Lesson 7 – August 13

Lesson 8 – August 20

Lesson 9 – August 27

Lesson 10 – September 3

Lesson 11 – September 10

Lesson 12 – September 17

Lesson 13 – September 25

Memory Verses

Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Cornerstone Connection– Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Cornerstone Connection– Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School is one of the most important parts of Sabbath worship. It gives us the opportunity for fellowship, mission understanding, outreach, and one of the greatest parts, Bible study, and discussion.

Cornerstone Connection captures the message of Scripture and challenges you to make the connections to your real life.

Download Sabbath School Study Guide, Third Quarter 2022 For Cornerstone Connection.


Lesson 1- July 2

Lesson 2 – July 9

Lesson 3 – July 16

Lesson 4 – July 23

Lesson 5 – July 30

Lesson 6 – August 6

Lesson 7- August 13

Lesson 8- August 20

Lesson 9- August 27

Lesson 10 – September 3

Lesson 11- September 10

Lesson 12- September 17

Lesson 13- September 24


2 Samuel Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For  Youth Programs

2 Samuel Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Programs

The book of 2 Samuel gives us stories about King David and his reign as a King. The Bible quiz for youth will show how much you know the book of 2 Samuel . Though it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

You can also get Bible quiz questions and answers from other books of the B

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends

2 Samuel Bible Quiz Questions

1. King Saul was killed by an _____.

2. According to 2 Samuel 2, how many wives did David have?
B. 3
C. 4

3. What are the names of the first 2 wives of David?

4. The men of _____ buried Saul.
A. Gabeshgilead
B. Jabeshgilead
C. Labeshgilead

5. Who was the father of Ishbosheth?
A. Saul
B. David
C. Jonathan

6. The three sons of Zeruiah were _____, and Abishai, and Asahel.
A. Job
B. Joel
C. Joab

7. Abner killed ______
A. Abishai
B. Asahel
C. Asai

8. Who was the first born of David?
A. Amnon
B. Absalom
C. Adonijah

9. What was the name of Sauls concubine?

10. Who married Michal, Davids wife?
A. Phaltal
B. Phaltiel

11. Mephibosheth was ______ son?
A. Jonathan
B. David
C. Ishbosheth

12. Mephibosheth was ____ years old when he became lame.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7

13. How old was David when he was crowned king?
A. 33
B. 35
C. 30

14. David reigned for _____ years?
A. 40
B. 41
C. 42

15. _______ was the king of Tyre?
A. Joram
B. Hiram
C. Giram

16. Elishua was one of David’s sons. True or False?

17. ______ tried to help the ark when the oxen stumbled ad was struck dead by God.
A. Uzzah
B. Utas
C. Utom

18. The ark of the Lord was taken to the house of Obed-Edom the ______.
A. Amalike
B. Gittite
C. Philistine

19. The ark of the Lord stayed in the house of Obed-Edom for ______ months.
A. 3
B. 4
5. 5

20. Michal daughter of David had _____ children
A. 4
B. 3
C. None

21. Metheg Ammah was not in charge of the Philistine. True or False?

22. ______ was son of Rehob

23. _____ was king of Zobah

24. Tou was king of ____
A. Hamath
B. Mamath
C. Homath

25. Who was David’s recorder?
A. Joab
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Zadok

26. ____ was in charge of David’s army?
A. Joab
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Zadok

27. ______ and Abitiar were priest.

A. Joab
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Zadok

28. Mephiboseth stayed at the home of _____ son of Ammiel.
A. Mathias
B. Makir
C. Zadok

29. What was the name of Mephisobeth’s son?
A. Mica
B. Meca
C. Mesa

30. Who was the King of the Ammonites?
A. Bashan
B. Nashan
C. Hanun

31. Who cut off David’s ambassadors beards and their robes at the buttocks?
A. Bashan
B. Nashan
C. Hanun

32. Bathsheba was the daughter of ______
A. Eliam
B. Uriah
C. Elum

33. Who did David send to the battle front to cover up his sin?

34. Shimeah was David’s ________
A. Son
B. Brother
C. Uncle

35. Jonadab was David’s ________
A. Son
B. Nephew
C. Friend

36. Absalom killed his brother Amnon. True or False

37. Absalom stayed at Geshur for _____ years
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5

38. Absalom ran to _____ at Geshur
B. Jonadab
C. Tarmar

39.What was the weight of Absalom’s hair in shekel?
A. 230
B. 220
C. 210

40. The name of Absalom’s daughter was ______
A. Diana
B. Tarmar
C. Tamar

41. Ahithophel was David’s _____
A. Counselor
B. Recorder
C. Chef

42. So David prayed, “Lord, turn ______ counsel into foolishness.”

43. _____ cursed David
A. Shimei
B. Ziba
C. Joab

44. Ahimaaz and Jonathan were hidden in a _____ by the woman at the house of Bahurim
A. Drum
B. Well
C. Mat

45. Who did Absalom appoint over the army?
A. Amasa
B. Jonadab
C. Joab

46. Sheba was the son of Bikri. True or False?

47. Ira the Jairite was appointed David’s ______
A. Scribe
B. Priest
C. Recorder

48. During the reign of David, there was a famine for _____ successive years;
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2

49. During the reign of David, there was a famine for three successive years; Why?

50. What was the name of Saul’s father?


1. Amalike
2. A.2 2vs2
3. Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail Nabal’s wife the Carmelite. 2vs2
4. B. Jabeshgilead 2vs4
5. A. Saul 2vs10
6. C. Joab 2vs18
7. B. Asahel 2vs23
8. A. Amnon 3vs2
9. Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah: 2vs7
10. B. Phaltiel 3vs15
11. A. Jonathan 4vs5
12. A. 5 4vs4
13. C. 30 5vs4
14. A. 40 5vs4
15. B. Hiram 5vs11
16. True 5vs14
17. A. Uzzah 6vs7
18. B. Gittite 6vs9
19. A. 3 6vs7
20. None 6vs23
21. False 8vs1
22. Hadadezer 8vs3
23. Hadadezer 8vs3
24. A. Hamath 8vs9
25. B. Jehoshaphat 8vs16
26. A. Joab 8vs15
27. C. Zadok 8vs17
28. Makir
29. A. Micah 9vs12
30. B. Nashan 10vs1
31. C. Hanun 10vs4
32. A. Eliam 11vs2
33. Uriah
34. B. Brother 13vs3
35. B. Nephew 13vs3
36. True
37. A. 3 13vs38
38. A.Talmai 13vs37
39.C. 210 14vs26
40. C. Tamar 14vs27
41. A. Counselor
42. Ahithophel’s 15vs31
43. A. Shimei 16vs7
44. B. Well 17vs18
45. A. Amasa 17vs25
46. True 20vs1
47. B. Priest 20vs26
48. B. 3 21vs1
49. “It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death.”
50. Kish

Note, NIV bible was used in compiling the quiz questions.

2 Kings Bible Quiz Questions for Youth Programs with Answers

2 Kings Bible Quiz Questions for Youth Programs with Answers

The book of 2 Kings continues with the stories of the Kings of the divided kingdom of Isreal. The Bible quiz for youth will show how much you know the book of 2 Kings. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

You can also get Bible quiz questions and answers from other books of the Bible

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

2 Kings Bible Quiz Questions

1. Who rebelled against Israel after king Ahabs death?
A. Moab
B. Elijah
C. Eli

2. Who was the god of Ekron?
A. Baal-Zebub
B. Og
C. Shion

3. Who did Ahaziah consult when he had an injury?
A. Baal-Zebub
B. Og
C. Shion

4. King Ahaziah had _____ son(s)
A. 1
B. 0
C. 2

5. What was Elisha’s request from Elijah?

6. Elijah went up to heaven in a whirl______.
A. Sand
B. wind
C. fire

7. How many men went in search for Elijah when he was taken to heaven?
A. 40
B. 30
C. 50

8. _____ numbers of boys insulted Elisha at Bethel?
A. 40
B. 41
C. 42

9. Who was the son of Ahab?
A. Joal
B. Joram
C. Jonah

10. How many years did Joram reign?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13

11. What was the name of the King of Moab?
A. Micah
B. Mecca
C. Mesha

12. The King of Moab was a ______ breeder.
A. Goat
B. Sheep
C. Cow

13. What was the tribute of Moab to Israel?

14. Who was the father of Elisha?
A. Shaphat
B. Nebat
C. Kish

15. Who was the assistant of Elijah?
A. Elisha
B. Eli
C. Gehazi

16. What was the name of Elishas’s servant?
A. Gehazi
B. Elijah
C. Naaman

17. Naaman suffered from ______
A. Leprosy
B. Blindness
C. Dermatitis

18. Naaman was the commander of the Army of King _______
A. Aram
B. Saul
C. Ahab

19. What river was Naaman asked to dip
A. River Jordan
B. River Nile
C. River Abana

20. How many times was Naaman asked to dip in the river
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9

21. The Sunamite woman stayed in the land of the Philistine with her family for _____ years?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9

22. Who was Ben-Hadad?

23. Hazael was the servant of King of ______
A. Israel
B. Aram
C. Judah

24. But the next day he took a thick cloth, soaked it in water and spread it over the king’s face, so that he died. Who carried out this act?

25.Who succeded king Ben-Hadad as king of Aram?
A. Hazael
B. Ahab
C. Gehazi

26. Which King of Judah married the daughter of Ahab?
A. Jehoram
B. Joram
C. Jonah

27. Ahaziah was _____ when he became king
A. 23
B. 24
C. 22

28. Who was the Mother of King Ahaziah?

29. Who was the granddaughter of Omri king of Israel?

30. Who conspired against king Joram?
A. Jesu
B. Jehu
C. Jenu

31. Bidkar was Jehu ______ officer
A. Chariot
B. Field
C. Clan
32. Ahaziah was killed at Megiddo. True or False?

33. Jehonadab son of ______?
A. Rekab
B. Rehab
C. Rebekah

34. How did Jehu gather the worshipers of baal together?

35. Who destroyed baal worship in Israel?
A. Jesu
B. Jehu
C. Jenu

36. Who succeeded Jehu as king?
A. Jehoahaz
B. Jehonadab
C. Joram

37. Jehosheba was daughter of king ______
A. Jehoahaz
B. Joram
C. Jehoram

38. Who was the father of Joash?
A. Jehoahaz
B. Joram
C. Ahaziah

39. How many years was Joash hidden?

40.Who was Mattan?

41. How old was Joash when he began to rule?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9

42. Who murdered king Joash?

43. Jehoahaz was son of ______
A. Jehu
B. Joram
C. Jethro

44. Jehoash did evil in the sight of the Lord.True or False?

45. Whose tomb brought a dead man to life?
A. Elijah
B. Elisha
C. Eli

47. Who defeated the ten thousand Edomites in the valley of salt?
A. Jehu
B. Joram
C. Amaziah

48. Which king was afflicted with leprosy?
A. Amaziah
B. Azariah
C. Joram

49. Pekahiah son of _____
A. Menahem
B. Salum
C. Pur

50. Who was Tiglath-Pileser?


1. A. Moab 1vs1
2. A. Baal-Zebub 1vs2
3. A. Baal-Zebub 1vs2
4. B. 0 1VS17
5. “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,”2vs9
6. B. wind 2vs11
7. C. 50 2vs17
8. C. 42 2VS24
9. B. Joram 3vs1
10. B. 12 3vs1
11. C. Mesha 3vs4
12. B. Sheep 3vs4
13.King Mesha of Moab was a sheep breeder. He used to pay the king of Israel an annual tribute of 100,000 lambs and the wool of 100,000 rams. 3vs4
14. A. Shaphat 3vs11
15. A. Elisha 3vs11
16. A. Gehazi 4vs12
17. A. LEPROSY 5vs1
18. A. Aram 5vs1
19. A. River Jordan 5vs9

20. 7 5vs9
21. 7 8vs2
22. king of Aram 8vs7
23. Aram
24. Hazael 8vs15
25. A. Hazael 8vs14
26. A. Jehoram 8vs18
27. C. 22 8vs26
28. Athaliah 8vs26
29. Athaliah 8vs26
30. B. Jehu 9vs14
31. A. Chariot 9vs25
32. True 9vs27
33. A. Rekab 10vs15
34. Jehu said, “Call an assembly in honor of Baal.” So they proclaimed it. 21 Then he sent word throughout Israel, and all the servants of Baal came; not one stayed away. They crowded into the temple of Baal until it was full from one end to the other. 22 And Jehu said to the keeper of the wardrobe, “Bring robes for all the servants of Baal.” So he brought out robes for them. 10vs20-22

35. B. Jehu 10vs28
36. A. Jehoahaz 10vs35
37. C. Jehoram 11vs2
38. C. Ahaziah 11vs2
39. C.6 11vs3
40. Mattan the priest of Baal 11vs18
41.A. 7 11vs21
42. The officials who murdered him were Jozabad son of Shimeath and Jehozabad son of Shomer. 12vs21
43. Jehu 13vs1
44. True
45. B. Elisha.
46. B. Elisha 13vs21
47. C. Amaziah 14vs7
48. B. Azariah 15vs5
49. A. Menahem 15vs23
50. King of Assyria 16vs7

Note; NIV Bible was used in setting the questions.

50 John Bible Quiz Questions And Answers for Youth Programs

50 John Bible Quiz Questions And Answers for Youth Programs

How well do you know the book of John? One of the books of the the new testament. It contains stories about the ministry of Jesus here on earth. Although this quiz was designed for youths, adults are also free to join.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

1. How many chapters are in the book of John?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 18

2. In the beginning was the ____, and the_____ was with God, and the_____ was God.
A. World
B. Word
C. Wood

3. “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Who was being referred to here?
A. John
B. Peter
C. Jesus

4. John baptized believers at river ______
A. Nile
B. Jordan
C. Niger

5. John baptized with _____
A. Water
B. Fire
C. Sand

6. Jesus attended a wedding at _____
A. Cana
B. Nain
C. Nazareth

7. Jesus turned _____ into wine
A. Water
B. Soup
C. Vinegar

8. What was the first miracle of Jesus

9. Who came to see to see Jesus at night
A. Nicodemus
B. John
C. Zacheus

10. _____ lifted up the snake in the wilderness.
A. Moses
B. Aaron
C. Job

11. Complete the verse ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to _____ the world, but to save the world through him’.
A. Scatter
B. Condemn
C. Complete

12. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at ____ well?
A. David
B. Jacob
C. Isaac

13. Jesus met the Samaritan woman in a town of Samaria called _____
A. Sychar
B. Sica
C. Samaria

14. Complete this statement ‘true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in ______, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
A. Life
B. Sincerity
C. Truth

15. Who was the first evangelist

16. Jesus stayed in Samaria for _____ days before going to Galilee
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4

17. The pool of Bethesda is located in _____
A. Jerusalem
B. Samaria
C. Galilee

18. The sick man at the pool of Bethesda was bedridden for _____ years
A. 35
B. 37
C. 38

19.Jesus asked _____ “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”
A. Phillip
B. Peter
C. John

20. ____ is Simon Peter’s brother.
A. John
B. Judas
C. Andrew

21. Jesus fed the multitude with _____ loves of bread?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3

22. Jesus fed the multitude with _____ fishes?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 2

23. After the feeding of the 5000, the left overs filled _____ baskets.
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14

24. Jesus walked in the waters . True or False?

25. Who is the living bread?
A. David
B. Jesus
C. Moses

26. Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
A. Joseph
B. John
C. Moses

27. What was the name of the father of Judas Iscariot?
A. Saul
B. Silas
C. Simon

28. Jesus healed the blind man with ____ of his spit
A. Clay
B. Rock
C. Grass

29. Jesus asked the blind man to wash in the pool of ______.
A. Siloam
B. Gilead
C. Jordan

30. What is the meaning of Siloam?
A. Sent
B. Send
C. Sold

31. Complete this statement, I am the good _______: the good ______ giveth his life for the sheep.
A. Man
B. Servant
C. shepherd

32. Lazarus was from the town of _______
A. Nazareth
B. Bethany
C. Jerusalem

33. Mary and ______ were the sisters of Lazarus
A. Martha
B. Salome
C. Rhoda

34. Mary anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her ______
A. Leg
B. Hand
C. Hair

35. What was the other name of Thomas?
A. Didymus
B. DIdymas
C. Didymos

36. Lazarus was buried in the grave for _____ days?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4

37. Who was Caiaphas?
A. High Priest
B. Disciple
C. Soldier

38. Who objected to Mary’s annointing of Jesus’s feet?
A. Peter
B. James
C. Judas Iscariot

39. Sanctify them by the truth; your ______ is truth.
A. word
B. Light
C. Sword

40. Who was Malchus?

41. _____ struck the ear of the high priest servant?
A. Paul
B. Phillip
C. Peter

42. Who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas?
A. Annas
B. Alas
C. Ayas

43. _____ was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders that it would be good if one man died for the people.
A. Annas
B. Caiaphas
C. Pilate

44. ______ was the Roman governor?
A. Annas
B. Caiaphas
C. Pilate

45. ______ was released in exchange for Jesus?
A. Barabbas
B. Barnabas
C. Bahamas

46. A crown of _______ was placed on Jesus’s head
A. Grass
B. Thorn
C. Glass

47. What is the meaning of Golgotha? Place of _____
A. Skull
B. Skin
C. Scalp

48. The garment of Jesus divided into _____shares ?
B. 3
C. 4

49. _____ of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus
A. Joseph
B. John
C. James

50. When Mary saw Jesus what did she call him?

1. A. 20
2. B. Word 1vs1
3. C. Jesus
4. B. Jordan 1vs28
5. A. Water
6. A. Cana 2vs2
7. A. Water 2vs9
8. Turning of water to wine 2vs11
9. A. Nicodemus 3vs2
10. A. Moses 3vs14
11. B. Condemn 3vs17
12. B. Jacob 4vs6
13. A. Sychar 13vs5
14. C. Truth 4vs23
15. The Samaritan woman 4vs42
16. 2 days 4vs43
17. A. Jerusalem 5vs1
18. C. 38 5vs5
19. A. Phillip 6vs5
20. C. Andrew 6vs8
21. A. 5 6vs9
22. C. 2 6vs9
23. A. 12 6vs13
24. True 6vs19
25. B. Jesus 6vs35
26. A. Joseph 6vs42
27. C. Simon
28. A. Clay 9vs6
29. A. Siloam 9vs7
30. A. Sent 9vs7
31. C. shepherd 10vs11
32. B. Bethany 11vs1
33. A. Martha 11vs1
34. C. Hair 11 vs2
35. A. Didymus 11vs16
36. C. 4 11vs17
37. A. High Priest 11vs49
38. C. Judas Iscariot 12vs4
39. A. word 17vs17
40. The high priest servant 18vs10
41. C. Peter 18vs10
42. A. Annas 18vs13
43. B. Caiaphas 18vs14
44. C. Pilate 18vs28
45. A. Barabbas 18vs40
46. B. Thorn
47. A. Skull 19vs7
48. C. 4 19vs23
49. A. Joseph John 19vs38
50. Rabboni John 20vs16