30 Jonah Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Programs

Jonah was one of the minor prophets in the old testament. God sent a fish to swallow him when he refused to preach to the people of Nineveh. The Bible quiz for youth below will show how much you about the book of Jonah. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!


1. Who was the father of Jonah?

2. Where did God ask Jonah to go and preach?

3. Jonah flew from God and headed for ______?

4. Jonah boarded a ship at the port of ______?

5. Why did God send Jonah to preach against the people of Nineveh?

6. Then the Lord sent a great _____ on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up.

7. The sailors threw their cargo into the sea to lighten their ship. True or False?

8. The lots of the sailors fell on _______.

9. What swallowed Jonah when he was thrown into the sea?

10. Jonah stayed in the belle of the fish for how many days?

11. Jonah stayed in the belle of the fish for how many nights?

12. Jonah prayed to the Lord from the belle of the fish. True or False?

13. Nineveh was a very _____ city?

14. How many days does it take to go through Nineveh?

15._______ more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.

16. The Ninevites did not believe God. True or False?

17. When the warning of Jonah got to the King of Nineveh, what did he do?

18. A _____ was proclaimed all through Nineveh when Jonah gave the warning?

19. Wen God saw how the people of Nineveh turned from their evil ways, he relented from destroying them. True or False?

20. Jonah was happy that the Lord had compassion on the people of Nineveh. True or False?

21. What qualities of God made Jonah to disobey him at first?

21. gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 4vs2

22. “Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” Who made this statement?

23. Jonah made for himself a shelter at a place _____ of the city.

24. The Lord provided a _____ plant as a shade for Jonah.

25. A _____ feed on the plant that was provided as a shade for Jonah.

26. The population of Nineveh was more than a hundred and ____ thousand of people.

27. Jonah was very happy about the plant that was provided as shade for him. True or False?

28. How many times did the word of the Lord came to Jonah before he finally agreed to go to Nineveh?

29. The Lord commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto a _____ land.

30. How many chapters are in the book of Jonah?


1. Amittai Jonah 1vs1

2. Nineveh 1vs2

3. Tarshish 1vs3

4. Joppa 1vs3

5. Because their wickedness has gotten to him. 1vs2

6. Wind 1vs4

7. True

8. Jonah 1vs7

9. A huge fish 1vs17

10. 3 days

11. 3 nights

12. True

13. Large 3vs3

14. 3 days 3vs3

15. Forty 3vs4

16. False 3vs5

17. He rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 3vs6

18. fast 3vs5

19. True

20. False

21. 22. Jonah 4vs3

23. East

24. Leafy 4vs6

25. Worm 4vs7

26. Twenty 4vs11

27. True

28. 2 times

29. Dry 2vs10

30. 4

30 Deuteronomy Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Programs

30 Deuteronomy Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Youth Programs

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the old testament. It is regarded as the second law. The Bible quiz for youth below will show how much you about the book of Deuteronomy. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

Check out Bible quiz questions and answers from all books of the Bible

Deuteronomy Bible Quiz Questions

1. How many men were sent as spies?

2. Caleb was the son of _____.

3. The children of Isreal went to fight against the Amorites against the Lords comand. True or False?

4. The decendants of Esau had the hill country of __________.

5. Sihon king of ______ refused to let the Isrealites pass through his territory.

6. Complete this statement ‘For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a ______ God.’

7. How many cities did Moses set aside as cities of Refuge?

8. What are the names of the cities of refuge?

9. What was the fourth commandment in the ten commandment?

10. Mention the commandment with promise?

11. The promised land was described as a land flowing with milk and ______.

12. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your ______ and with all your strength.

13. According to the book of Deuteronomy 7 vs 1, how many nations did the Lord drive out before the children of Isreal?

14. Why did the Lord ask the children of Isreal not to inter marry with the nations around them?

15. How many years did the Isrealites stay in the wilderness?

16. The Anakites were regarded as stong and _______ people.

17. When Moses went up to the mountain to collect the commandments, he stayed for ______ days and ___ nights?

18. How many tablets of stones(tablets of convenant) did the Lord give to Moses?

19. Who succeeded Aaron as priest?

20. Where did Aaron die?

21. Jotbathah was described as a land with streams of ______.

22. Which tribe was assigned to carry the ark of covenant of the Lord?

23. What was the inheritance of the Levites?

24. Who was Pharoah?

25. The earth swallowed the household of Dathan and Abiram, sons of _______?

26. According to Deuteronomy 14, You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that _____ the cud.

27. The seventh year is regarded as a year for cancelling ______.

28. The Issrealites were to appear before the Lord to celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of ______

29. Why did the Lord instruct kings not to have many wives?

30. How many cities did the Lord ask them to make Cities of REFUGE?


1. 12

2. Jephunneh 1vs36

3. True

4. Seir 2vs5

5. Heshbon 2vs30

6. jealous 4vs24

7. 3 4vs1

8. Bezer in the wilderness plateau, for the Reubenites; Ramoth in Gilead, for the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan, for the Manassites. 4vs43

9. “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you. 5vs12

10.Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you. 5vs16

11. Honey 6vs3

12. Soul 6vs5

13. 7 7vs1

14. They will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. 7vs4

15. 40 years 8vs2

16. Tall People 9vs2

17. 40 days and 40 nights 9vs9

18. 2 9vs11

19. Eleazar 10vs6

20. Moserah 10vs6

21. Water 10vs7

22. The Levites 10vs8

23. They had no inheritance. The Lord was their inheritance. 10vs9

24. The king of EGYPT 11vs3

25. Eliab 11vs6

26. chews 14vs6

27. Debts 15vs9

28. Tabernacles 16vs16

29. his heart will be led astray. 17vs17

30. 3 19vs2

David and Goliath Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

David and Goliath Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

How well do you know the story of David and Goliath? David a little shepherd boy fights against giant Goliath. The Bible quiz for youth below will show how much you about the story. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

You can also get Bible quiz questions and answers from all books of the Bible

David and Goliath Bible quiz questions

1. Who was the champion of the Philistine?

2. Goliath was from where?

3. The height of Goliath was _____?

4. The helmet of Goliath was made of Gold. True or false?

5. What was the weight of Goliath’s coat armor?

6. The iron point in Goliath’s Javelin weighed _____

7. How many sons of Jesse followed Saul to war?

8. David took care of his father’s _____ at Bethlehem

9. Goliath abused the children of Isreal for how many days?

10. When ever the Isrealites see Goliath they were terified and ____ away?

11. What was promised to any Isrealite that could defeat Goliath?

12. What was Goliath’s statement when he saw David?

13. David took ____ smooth stones and a sling to fight Goliath?

14. David struck Goliath on his _______.

15. David when to fight Goliath depending on God. True or False


1. Goliath 1 sam 17vs4

2. Gath 17vs4

3. His height was six cubits and a span. 17vs4

4. False. Bronze 17vs5

5. a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels 17vs5

6. six hundred shekels 17vs6

7. 3 17vs 13

8. Sheep 17vs15

9. 40 days 17vs16

10. Ran away

11. The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.” 17vs25

12. He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” 17vs43

13. 5

14. forehead 17vs49

15. True

David and Goliath Bible quiz

25 David Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

25 David Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Youth Programs

King David was a man after God’s heart. Rising from a little shepherd boy to a warrior who later became a king.
How well do you know the story of David? Below are bible quiz questions on the life of David., Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!

You can also get Bible quiz questions and answers from other books of the Bible

David quiz questions

1. How old was David when he was crowned king?

2. David reigned for _____ number of years?

3. Who was the first child of David?

4. Elishua was one of David’s sons. True or False?

5. Jonadab was David’s ________

6. Ahithophel was David’s _____

7. Who tried to help the ark when the oxen stumbled ad was struck dead by God.

8. Who did David send to the battle front to cover up his sin?

9. During the reign of David, there was a famine for three successive years; Why?

10. David prayed, “Lord, turn ______ counsel into foolishness.”

11. Who was David’s recorder?

12. David was the _____ child of Jesse

13. What were the names of Davids sisters?

14. Davids second son was named Daniel. True or False?

15. David had _____ daughters?

16. Who was David’s father?

17. David killed a lion and a bear. True or False?

18. David went to fight Goliath with a sling and ____ smooth stones?

19. Saul promised David his elder daughter Merab but later married her to _______

20. Saul’s daughter_____ was given in marriage to David.

21. What was the name of David’s eldest brother?

22. What was the name of the desert that David spared the life of Saul?

23. David cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. True or False

24. David stayd in Philistine territory for how long?.

25. What was the name of Nabal’s widow that David Married


1. 30 2 Sam 5vs4

2. 40 2 Sam 5vs4

3. Amnon 2 Sam 3vs2

4. True 2 Sam 5vs14

5. Nephew 2 Sam 13vs3

6. Counselor

7. Uzzah 2 Sam 6vs7

8. Uriah

9. “It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death.”

10. Ahithophel’s

11. Jehoshaphat

12. youngest 1 chro 2vs15

13. Zeruiah and Abigail. 1 chro 2vs16

14. True 1 chro 3vs1

15. 1 1 chro 3vs9

16. Jesse

17. True

18. 5 stones 1 sam 17vs40

19. Adriel of Meholah. 1 sam 18vs19

20. Michal

21. Eliab 1 Sam 16vs6

22. Desert of En Gedi. 1 Sam 24vs1

23. True

24. 16 months

25. Abigail.

2 Chronicles Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

2 Chronicles Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers

The book of second Chronicles covers the time Solomon, son of David became King to when the children of Isreal were taken on exile to Babylon.The bible quiz below will show how much you know the book of 2 Chronicles. Even though it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!


1. The Lord appeared to Solomon at the bronze altar in _______.
2. King Solomon asked God to give him knowledge and _______ .
3. King Solomon had ______ hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses.
4. Hiram was king of _____.
5. Complete this name, Huram- ____
6. Solomon began the building of the temple in the _______ year of his reign.
7. The queen of _____ came to visit King solomon when she heard about his fame.
8. What was considered of little value in Solomon’s day?
9. King Solomon reigned for how many years
10. Who succeded King Solomon?
11. Rehoboam was the son of ______
12. Queen Sheba gave the king 120 talents of gold, large quantities of spices. True or False
13. ______ was in charge of forced labor and was stoned to death by the Isrealites?
14. Maakah daughter of _______
15. Rehoboam appointed Abijah son of Maakah as crown prince .True or False
16. Rehoboam had ______ wives
17. Who was Shishak?
18. Jerusalem ws attacked in the _____ year of King Rehoboam reign?
19. What was Rehoboam mothers name?
20. Who succeded Rehoboam as king?
21. The Lord struck down the Cushites before Asa and_____.
22. “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” Who made this prayer?
23. Why was Maakah disposed from the position of queen mother?
24. Who was Hanani?
25. Who did King Asa ask of help from against the King of Isreal?
26. Who succeded King Asa as King?
27. King Jehoshaphat sent his officials Ben-Hail, ________, Zechariah, Nethanel and Micaiah to teach in the towns of Judah.
28. Zedekiah son of Kenaanah went up and slapped Micaiah in the face. True or False
29. King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab went to war against King of Aram and they were victorious. True or false
30. Amariah was chief ______
31. What waa the name of king Jehoshaphats mother?
32. Jehoshaphat king of Judah made an alliance with Ahaziah king of Israel, whose ways were _____.


1. Gibeon 2 chronicles 1vs5
2. Wisdom 1vs10
3. fourteen 1vs14
4. Tyre 2vs11
5. Huram-Abi 2vs13
6. 4th 3vs2
7. The queen of Sheba 9vs1
8. Silver 9vs20
9. 40 years 9vs30
10. Rehoboam 9vs31
11. Solomon 9vs31
12. True 9vs9
13. Adoniram 10vs18
14. Absalom 11vs20
15. True
16. 18 11vs21
17. King of Egypt 12vs2
18. 5th year 12vs2
19. His mother’s name was Naamah;12vs13
20. Abijah his son succeeded him as king. 12vs16
21. Judah 14vs12
22. Asa 12vs11
23. King Asa also deposed his grandmother Maakah from her position as queen mother, because she had made a repulsive image for the worship of Asherah. 15vs16
24. Hanani the seer 16vs7
25. Ben-Hadad agreed with King Asa and sent the commanders of his forces against the towns of Israel. 16vs6
26. Jehoshaphat 17vs1
27. Obadiah 17vs7
28. True 18vs23
29. false
30. Chief priest
31 Azubah 20vs16
32. wicked 20vs35