2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 Covenant Primer
Wednesday: The Covenant With MosesText: [[Exo 6:5]] KJV
_And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant._MessageIn our study yesterday, we saw that within the covenant promises to Abram was the statement, _”…And I will make of thee a great nation,…”_ Years have passed, and this covenant begun it’s fulfilment through Israel. Israel was the chosen nation of God, not because they were great or special, but because of God’s covenant promise for Abram, Isaac and Jacob. While in bondage in Egypt, God sent a messenger to them who was to deliver them and take them to the promised land – Canaan. But God had to reactivate the covenant. While Israel had nothing to offer God, God made a covenant to Deliver them.From all indications, the covenant with Israel through Moses reiterated the the earlier one with Abram. They shared similar characteristics:
1. Both showed a special relationship of God to His people (comp Gen. 17:7, 8 with Exod. 19:5, 6).
2. Both promised being a great nation (comp Gen. 12:2 with Exod. 19:6).
3. Obedience was required in both (comp Gen. 17:9–14 and Gen. 22:1618 with Exod. 19:5). Once God initiated this covenant with Israel, it was up to them to agree to it, but God had already given them the promise to bless, which he wasn’t going to fail.God took the initiative. Before giving Israel covenant law, He had 1st delivered them. In other words, God gave them more reason to be faithful. They didn’t have to obey before they will be delivered, rather, they were to obey because they’ve been blessed already. This principle is also clearly illustrated in the NT context of how God deals with us. He saves us, then asks us to obey.ReflectionGod didn’t just want to be a philanthropist, he wanted a strong relationship with Israel. He wanted to be their God, and they will be His people. This was to be the covenant relationship. *What is your relationship with God today? Do you only go to him when in need, or you are in such a relationship which He desires?